
Monday, December 17, 2018

Jesus Speaks to Women - Luke 1: 26-38

We just finished looking at how women were at the center of the greatest event in the history of humanity:  The Resurrection of Jesus.  Now, about 8 days before Christmas, we are about to witness another life altering event:  The annunciation of the incarnation of Jesus...the moment when Jesus became a material being...the moment when the Word became flesh...

And of course, a woman is involved:  young Mary, the Virgin who is charged with carrying the unborn Jesus...WOW...what a moment!

There is SO much in this segment of Scripture that I could write every day for months and not be able to discern all the richness of this passage.  But, as we unwrap our most precious and long-awaited gifts on Christmas morning, I will try to do my best, to slowly unwrap the events recorded in Luke 1: 26-38.

Let's start with the first 4 verses:

26 In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 
27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 
28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” 
29 Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 
Luke 1: 26-29

We know Elizabeth's miraculous story, right?  The old lady who became pregnant and delivered John the Baptist: the one who is "great in the eyes of the Lord." (Luke 1: 15) Mary's story and Elizabeth's story have commonalities.  However, there are a couple of big differences between Elizabeth, the mother of John, the one of whom Jesus said:  Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist (Matthew 11: 11) and Mary's experience.  First, Elizabeth's baby was conceived the old fashion, natural way.  The miracle was that she conceived!  Not how she conceived.  Also, Elizabeth did not receive any direct word from the Lord that we have on record.  It was her husband, Zechariah, who was visited by the angel of the Lord. 

For Mary, the whole thing was different.  Gabriel, the angel, was sent directly from God to her as a Divine Messenger who would deliver the news.  She needed this special visit since the Baby that she will carry was not naturally conceived.  God's grace is demonstrated here, at this very moment...the virgin, pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David, needed more than an awareness of the presence of God.  She needed an encounter: a real-life encounter with audible words and a visual in order for her to begin to take that rough journey of faith and trust that would begin that day. 

Life would never be the same for Mary.  Whatever dreams and hopes she might have had got cancelled at that moment and replaced by a completely unexpected turn of events...that neither she or anyone around her could have ever imagined.  The page of her story where she was just a young, ordinary woman waiting to get her ordinary life started flipped in front of her eyes as she was greeted as the Lord's greatly favored one. 

"The Lord is with you," Gabriel said.  I don't know how much of this Mary truly got...for she was "greatly troubled" Scripture points out.  Of course she was troubled!  A celestial encounter???!!! She wasn't even sure who this...person...talking to her was!  All she knew was that whatever it was, she didn't know him...and then, this stranger is talking to her about being favored by God and that the Lord is with her?  I mean, really!  Put yourself in her position.  How would you react?

I'm a middle age woman, and I think I'd freak out a bit.  Maybe young women are more trusty of strangers.  Maybe they are more curious.  They don't fear as much because they don't know how many bad things can happen to you out there, in the world.  But the encounter must have been intense, for she was troubled and wondering what was that all about.

To tell you the truth...I think I would try to just walk away.  I would pretend that I didn't hear Gabriel or that he had the wrong person.  I would pretend that there was another woman behind me, and that he was talking to her, not to me...and just continue moving my feet pass him.  I've done stuff like that.  When I don't want to talk to someone, I pretend I haven't seen them.  I know, it's horrible of me...but I am very self-conscious, so I fear I'd make a fool of myself, so it's best if I just don't engage people.  That's why I think I'd probably just look away and pretend he is not there...talking to me!

I don't know...the fact is that, though troubled, Mary stayed put.  Good for her! and for all humanity, as well!  The same Mary that later on would stay put by the cross of her son, by the grave, and finally by His Glorious Resurrection, stayed put and listened to the angel's words.  What an example of Christian womanhood. 

Dear Lord, may You fill us with the strength you gave Mary to stay by You, even when we are afraid, confused and troubled...for the troubles of this world are nothing compared to the Glory that awaits for us with You for eternity!  Amen!


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