
Saturday, January 5, 2019

God's Messages through Other Believers

33 The child’s father and mother marveled at what was said about him.34 Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, 35 so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.” Luke 2: 33-35

Have you ever wondered why it's difficult for us to listen to what others have to comment/say to us about our circumstances or situations?  Maybe you are not plagued by this issue because you are a kind person, with fully matured fruit of the Spirit.  Me, on the other hand...not so much.  I'm very much like my children.  They never EVER want to hear what I have to say:

Me:  Why don't you do your homework now, so you can be free the rest of your afternoon and evening?

Child:  But I'm tired! I need a break.  Besides, I don't have much homework, just 2 questions.

Me:  Well, if it is so short, just do it now, so you can be free!  It won't take you long and you're done!

Child:  Let me finish this episode/game/song/movie...fill in the blank with whatever other activity he wants to do now... and then I'll do the homework.

Inevitable turn of events:  child doesn't do homework until later that evening.  He becomes enslaved to it because it takes longer than he anticipated, and the whole/entire household is in a tizzy because nobody knows how to solve Problem C in the worksheet.  

So...we know that there are many reasons why we/me/my kids don't want to listen:  because, usually, listening involves stopping a current behavior/trend.   And, we don't want to let go of what we are currently doing and the enjoyment it brings to us regardless of how harmful it might be for us. Besides, it is non of their business!

But...why do others want to communicate those messages to us?  More importantly, why does God want to send us messages either directly, through angels or through other believers?

Well...the way I see it, there is one basic/umbrella reason under which two general objectives sit:
Basic/umbrella reason:  God sends messages to us because He loves us!
Objective #1:  He wants to spare us from heartache that is avoidable.
Objective #2:  He wants to prepare us for heartache that is inevitable.

That's what I see in Simeon's words to Mary, especially the last part:  And a sword will pierce your own soul too...

The spear that pierced Jesus' side on the cross (John 19: 34) doesn't only go through Jesus' stabs Mary's heart and soul as she witnessed it...

The plan God had for Mary was grand, indeed!  However, it was also full of hardship and sorrow.  Her suffering cannot be endured without God's presence and voice constantly sustaining her.  Hence the angelic visitation, the prophets words, the pondering... God prepared Mary for the inevitable heartache she would feel and carry with her for the rest of her terrestrial life. 

I believe God doesn't just do this for Mary.  He does it for us too.  He speaks to us through His Word in the Bible, through teachers, through brothers and sisters in Christ, through His direct messages to us because He wants to spare us from avoidable hardship or He wants to prepare us for the ones we must endure.  He never leaves us, nor forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31: 6) He is an ever-present help in times of trouble. (Psalm 46: 1)

Therefore, what are we to do?  Listen! We must lend our ear as much as possible and wisdom to discern the way that He is trying to show us and the strength to walk on it.  Let's not so quickly dismiss the messages we receive, for we don't know if they might be exactly what we need to hear at that precise moment...regardless of our reluctance to accept them.

May we realize that God's actions towards us are always moved by His Perfect and Unique Love! Amen!

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