
Monday, January 21, 2019

Jesus Speaks to Women: The Ripple Effects of Healing

Let's conclude the exploration of Luke 8: 40-56 thinking back at one more of the questions I asked at the beginning of this journey:  How many healing instances are recorded in this passage?

Well, at first glance, we might say that there are 2 instances of healing.  However, what do you think happened to those who witnessed the healings?  Think of Jairus.  Do you think he was affected by the healing of his daughter?  What about the messengers of doom?  Those who came to Jairus and told him the girl was dead, and to stop bothering the you think witnessing the healing had an impact?  Remember, for them it was more a resurrection than a healing...the same for all the mourners who were already wailing...and what about those who "laughed at him, knowing that she was dead." (Luke 8: 53)  Who got the last laugh now?  And the disciples, especially Peter, John and James whom Jesus took with Him as He brought Jairus' girl back to life?

Jesus told the girl's parents not to tell anybody about what had happened...but, my guess is that the news spread.  I have a hard time believing that those who knew could keep it a secret, especially the ones who thought she was dead and now saw her getting up and eating!

My point is, I think there was healing all around them.  Yes, the bleeding woman and Jairus' daughter were the direct recipients of the healing; however, imagine yourself as a witness of such events: "she's healed! the woman who had been bleeding forever...Jesus healed her! Wait, what?  Jairus' daughter is up and eating? But, she was dead a minute ago! I saw her! dead!"  And now, alive and well...what do you think witnessing that would do to your own infirmities of the body and soul?

I believe the healing continues to spread as we re-read these stories and allow them to penetrate our hearts with a renewing of our faith!

The ripple effects of Jesus' miracles touch us today, and I just pray that we have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, the heart to feel and the mind to process His Power and Love manifested in His actions throughout Scriptures and in our lives today.  Amen!

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