
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Jesus Speaks to Women: One Frightful Morning!

2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 5 In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground... Luke 24: 2-5

Have you ever been intensely concentrated on what you have to do, only to be unexpectedly stopped on your tracks by something quite overwhelming?  How about, being submerged into a deep sleep, when something, rather scary, wakes you up?  The experience is unsettling, to say the least.  This happened to me about a week ago when Dylan came into our room around 3 in the morning with a nosebleed.  I was so deep in my sleep then, that, when he finally was able to wake me up, I saw him and immediately and literally, jumped out of bed.  I got him situated, and while I pressed on his nose...I don't know if it was the adrenaline rush, flushing out of my body or a drop in my blood pressure, but I became seriously lightheaded.  I thought I was going to faint...

That's not how the night was supposed to go.  I was supposed to sleep soundly all night, and wake up when it was time to get ready for work.  The unexpected bump on my road/plan, totally threw me off.  And, in fright, I literally bowed my head down to the ground, if only to help the blood flow get back to my brain.

This was just my kid and a nosebleed...imagine, coming into a tomb, and not only finding it empty, but, suddenly seeing these two men wearing "clothes that gleamed like lightning!"  Yep, it's no surprise the poor women's legs gave in, causing them to bow down with their faces to the ground!

Who are these men?  Where is Jesus' body?  Who removed the stone? O no! The jars with the spices and perfumes are laying on the ground! Did they break? The brain goes into some kind of shock, as a thousand thoughts, ALL negative, flash in the mind like a strobe light.  Mercy me!  The women are becoming the first witnesses of the greatest event in the history of the world...but, exactly because of the magnitude of the moment, the experience is overwhelming.  It couldn't be any other way.  

If it is very unlikely to remain calm when a child who is sick wakes you up in the middle of the night, it is, very unlikely to remain cool, calm and collected when celestial beings show up in front of you to announce the resurrection of the Lord.  

I'm not sure why these are the thoughts running through my head with this portion of the passage.  Perhaps, because I want to feel better thinking that I am not the only hysterical woman in the room.  Maybe because I identify with fright and fear.  Or it could also even be that I like to see diligence rewarded...but, whatever it is, I enjoy pausing at this moment of Luke's narration of the events of that precious morning because I can see how God, in His Majesty, cares enough about us to reveal Himself to those who remain faithful!

May the Holy Spirit help us see the presence of the Lord even in our frightful and frazzled moments.

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