
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Jesus Speaks to Women: And Women Speak Back!

11 The woman said to him, “Sir, you have nothing to draw water with, and the well is deep. Where do you get that living water? 12 Are you greater than our father Jacob? He gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did his sons and his livestock.” John 4: 11-12

We're back at the well, witnessing the dialogue between Jesus and the sassy Samaritan.  I know, that sounds disrespectful, but I can't help to hear in her voice a tone...she has no clue who this man she is talking to really IS.  Her understanding is ruled by the conventions of her day:  Samaritans and Jews don't get along.  Jewish men don't talk to women, especially, Samaritan women, especially in public.  Therefore, her reactions are conditioned to society's stipulations: she is suspicious. 

The more she hears Him speak, though...the more we can perceive a change in her tone...even if in a most subtle way at the beginning, but it's there...look at how she addresses Jesus by "Sir" here...

Yes, she is still staying within the material realm.  Thinking that the water Jesus is referring to is water as in the one she can draw from Jacob's well, she is concerned with Jesus' ability to get it.  He's got no jar to get it with; and she knows she cannot just use her own jar to draw for Him...she's not clean.  Women were not supposed to speak to strangers to begin with.  Now, she was in the middle of an exchange with a Jewish one.  The scene was all wrong! Of course she was caught in the material repercussions of what was happening! But, the fact that she addresses Him as "Sir" here, causes one to wonder if that was the beginning of the softening of her heart.  That was the first clear evidence of the irresistible nature of Christ's presence.

Of course, she ends it back on her sassy tone in verse 12:  Are you greater than our father Jacob? He gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did his sons and his livestock.”  I have to chuckle here...I mean, listen to her, can't you hear the attitude?  

This exchange is truly incredible to me.  This woman's got spunk! She has no clue who this stranger really is.  She seems to perceive He is worthy of respect somehow; but that doesn't keep her from being who she is:  a no-nonsense type of woman.

Let's continue reading to see how Jesus reacts after her reply and discover what His words reveal to us today.  Dear Lord, may we always be confident on Your Love for us, regardless of our own nature and disposition.  By Your Great Mercy we are one with You!!

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