
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Jesus Speaks to Women: Stop the Mad Rush

25 The woman said to him, “I know that Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ). When he comes, he will tell us all things.” 26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am he.” John 4: 25-26

Have you ever been looking for your phone, while you have it in your hands? Or for your glasses, when they are sitting right on top of your head? How about the car keys?  Why is that?

I think it's mainly, because we are distracted.

This world has a way to make a mess out of our minds.  Especially in our society.  Here in the United States we seem to be in such a hurry all the time...but...are we even getting anywhere?  I have been so busy and stressed out at work during the last couple of months, I don't even know what day it is anymore.  I'm gasping for air because sometimes I can't even breathe, it's so frantic.  I tell you, the end of the semester can't come too soon.  I'm mentally and physically exhausted.  

This state of being causes my erratic behavior.  The worst part is, my crazy situation at work is causing me to neglect my homelife...sigh...

"We are now like one of those rich families where the kids never get to see their Moms...[except for the rich part]" Dylan said to me last week as I was announcing that, yet again, I wouldn't be home when they got back from school, or for dinner can imagine how I felt when he dropped that guilt bomb on my lap...sigh...

And all for what?

My kids are growing up in front of my eyes, and I'm afraid I might miss it!

I think Dylan statement to me hit a button that needed to be hit.  That slap on the face has helped me see the need to rethink my priorities.  I don't know how, but I need to regroup and see what's really important...standing right here, in front of my face...I need to stop the mad rush!

Like the Samaritan woman...who is still waiting for the Christ, when He is the One, the VERY ONE standing right in front of her, speaking truth to her, seeking her, waiting for her all this time...

"I who speak to you am He!"

WOW...Lord, how can we miss You?  How doesn't our heart want to explode inside our chest? How is it possible that we can still stand, when Your presence invades it all?  How can we be so distracted that we don't realize You are in us, and it is through Your strength that we are able to do all things...even prioritize You and our loved ones above all else...

Today, I pray the Holy Spirit will guide me and all of us as we walk the busy paths of our lives.  May we not be entangled in the traps of this world which make us believe we have to do it all, and instead, show us the Way, the Truth and the Life of Your Glory!  In the precious name of Jesus! Amen!

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