Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Judgemental or Discerning? Part 1
Are we to call out others for their sin?
Are we to hold unbelievers accountable for values they know nothing about?
Are we not called to judge?
These are the questions of the current generation of Christians who try to navigate the confusing waters of today's society. We don't want to offend anybody. We don't want to contribute to the confirmation of the bad reputation that pop-culture has created of Christians as intolerant. We want to show Christ's love for others in our actions and attitudes. We don't want to be perceived as judgemental. We want to keep the peace.
However, it gets really tricky when all those desires conflict with our need to be able to uphold our Christian values...
Lord, have mercy on us! This is the generation for such a time as this (Esther 4: 14), indeed. There's no precedent to what we are witnessing in our society, yet, we are not only to know how to be in the world without being of it, but raise our kids to discern right or wrong when the lines are so very blurred!
Can I just build a worl-resistant bubble where to keep my family protected from all that is going on out there? Can I just isolate myself and my family? Can I live off-the-grid so nothing touches me other than God's creation?
Are these the questions of someone living in fear?
I agonized about the idea of sending my sons to public school after being immersed in the beautiful environment of Christian education. The very first year we moved them, Grant was entering the 6th grade and Dylan the 1st. Not only were they going to switch from Christian to Public school...but we had also moved to another town outside our current school district. Everything was new, and the shock was great, especially for Grant. He endured, what we believe must have been the most difficult year of his life yet (I forgot to mention, that's the year I got diagnosed with thyroid cancer and my husband got laid off from work too). However, the decision to place them in public school was made and we stuck to it.
I don't know what life would be like for Grant, had he stayed in Christian school all the way through (I forgot to mention he is about to start his senior year now...gulp). All I know is that I am mighty proud of the young man he is. He drives me insane most of the time, and I know the experience marked him forever to the point that it still impacts the way he feels about himself...but he has been able to learn that the world is not a wading pool where we all get along and have sameness in their views, values and opinions. He has learned that it's tough to be who you want to be when nobody else around you is like that. But he has also learned that God is with him regardless of where he is at, and that God places his angels on his path so he doesn't have to feel all alone.
I also know that there is not a day that goes by without me praying for Grant and Dylan's protection and for God to surround them with Christian people wherever they go. I pray for Jesus to reveal Himself to my boys and show them the way to follow Him regardless of what the world may say or how badly it might try to pull them away from their Lord. I pray, and pray and pray some more for Grant and Dylan to know Christ. And I don't know I ever was so intentional and fervent on my prayers for them while they were in Christian school...
I don't want to live in fear. I want to always remember that God is on His Throne! and that He is in control, regardless of how confused I am and how scary the world has become.
I want to hold on to the promise of peace like a river (Isaiah 66: 12)...notice, He didn't say, peace like a puddle... I want to have His peace transcend all understanding and to guard my heart and my mind as well as those of my loved ones, forever in Christ Jesus! (Philippians 4:7). So I can walk without fear...I want the Holy Spirit to guide my every step and every decision I make, so even though some may be extremely hard, I may have peace that they were guided by the mind of God.
Christian School v. Public School is a personal debate; and one that has to be conducted under the leading of the Holy Spirit. As for us, I have been able to enjoy the blessings of both, and for that I am eternally grateful...even though I still panic once in a while...
Anyway...I totally digressed from my original intention on this post. But I will address the questions at the beginning on the next one because this one is already too long :)
For now, may the Lord help us not to become weary in doing good...and in our trust in Him..., for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up! (Galatians 6: 9)
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