
Sunday, September 15, 2019

Do Not Worry About Your Life

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6: 27

Do you ever wonder why Jesus tucked this question in His Sermon on the Mountain in the middle of His teaching on how to live a life focused on eternity?  Well...He knows us!  He knows what it is to be a human.  He knows our frailty.  He knows our tendencies.  He knows our lack of trust.  He knows our little faith.  He knows the struggle between our desire to have control over our circumstances versus the reality of the fact that our destiny is totally and absolutely in God's Hands.

He knows the futility of worry and what's worst; the danger that it is for our relationship with Him as Our Lord.  

Worry is doubt.

I worry about my life.  Therefore, I doubt God is Good enough to take care of me.  


The good news is: worry does not need to consume me!  Worry doesn't have to distance me from Christ.  On the contrary, worry can be the very thing that leads me back into the safety of His arms!  

The thing is, worry is a tool of the enemy.  He uses it to shake our faith.  He infuses our days with worry because he knows that worry can very easily take away our focus from God to the object of worry.  However, If we allow a transformation of our mind so our thoughts switch perspective to have the clarity of the Holy Spirit to use worry to lead us closer to Jesus, the enemy is defeated!

And the enemy IS already defeated.  It's just that worry deceits us into fearing he is not.  But Jesus has already crushed his head so we can claim Christ's victory upon our lives...upon every aspect of our lives.

That's the encouragement Jesus' question brings to our hearts today: why do you worry, my child? Your life is in My Hands.  I am the Lord and King of who you are.  Trust me and quit falling for the enemy's schemes!  Look into my eyes.  You are more valuable than anything else in the world.  Take my hand and follow Me... one step at a time, and leave all your worry behind.

Dear Lord Jesus, teach us to seek You first and not give into worry and fear.  May the Holy Spirit guide us and may Your presence be evident to our weak senses so the Power of Your Strength can become the fuel that keeps us moving forward as we wait upon You, Our Lord and Deliverer! Amen!

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