
Sunday, September 22, 2019

He is My Song!

I'm not musically gifted; but I can appreciate it.  In fact, I LOVE music!  I believe music is one of the most effective strategies that God uses to speak to me.  It is a language in itself, and it communicates at a deeper level than just mere words.  The transporting and transcending power of music surpasses barriers that otherwise would detain the flow of the message...Therefore, when I read a verse like Exodus 15: 2a I can't help but pausing and contemplating:

The LORD is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.  

Don't you just want to put like 10 exclamation marks at the end of this statement?  What a magnificent way to express the glory of God:  my strength and my sweet is that?  The more I think about it, there isn't a sweeter thing to say to someone than: You are my song!  It's a picture that becomes a sound.  And sounds touch our soul in a way that sight doesn't achieve.  I always think of my Mom and Dad, for instance.  Gone long ago, I still have pictures of them that allow me to keep their faces alive in my memory; but a while ago, I listened to my Father's voice in a recording and I couldn't bear it.  I could look at a thousand pictures of him and not feel the depth of impact that hearing a few words had in my heart and soul.  We have no recording of my mother's voice so it's been almost 20 years since I last heard her...I couldn't imagine how shaken I'd be if I could hear the sound of her laughter again...

I digress, but think about it: calling someone "Your Song" inevitably and irrevocably means you love, or at least, really, really like that person.  There is no way we could call someone "My Song" and not be bursting with love inside.

My point is, songs imply gladness of the heart.  Like I read somewhere, the idea of a song denotes the glorification of the Lord on account of His liberation!  There is no highest expression of emotions than songs.  "I sing because I'm happy and I sing because I'm free" right? I am the sparrow, and I know He cares for me.

That's why today, I'm encouraged by this:  The Lord is My Song!  He is my Strength!  He is my Victory!

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