
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Mighty to Save!

The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3: 17

Don't you love redemption stories, when the good guys win!?  I just can't get enough of superhero movies, when there is a clear-cut line between good and evil; and good is always victorious!  I think, the reason I love these storylines so much is because we live in a world where the lines are so blurred they have almost disappeared.  But superheroes and villains remind me that we are not of this world.  We are just on a journey.  And in this journey we will encounter many battles.  But the great war is already won, and it's won by the the Greatest Hero ever to walk on this earth:  Our Lord, Jesus the Christ!

He is the Mighty Warrior Who Saves!  And He is with us...regardless of the hurt, the pain, the fear, the worry, the anxiety, the problems or the darkness that this world might bring us, Jesus is with us always, and "in His love He will no longer rebuke us, but will rejoice over us with singing!"  Can you imagine that scene?  Our Savior, rejoicing over us with singing!  SINGING!  What a day that will be when we see Our Lord sing!

Zephaniah tells us about the time when there will be a remnant who remains faithful to God; and how that remnant will see the rejoicing of the Almighty as fear disappears.  After a period of great desolation when the people of God have been disobedient, have cast Him aside, and have brought woe upon them, The Mighty to Save God will purify the earth and protect His remnant, who bring Him great delight.  In this day of victory, The Lord will no longer rebuke His beloved, but instead, He will bring restoration over all.  And He will sing!  

Like the movie scenes in which the faithful stands alone, and just when we think he'll be stricken one last time, the forces of good appear as if from heaven and the war that seemed lost is irrevocably won for the good of humanity, and as the credits roll the triumphant song plays on the background leaving the viewers filled with hope...that's the picture Zephaniah is painting here: after much trials, we win and we get to hear Our Great God sing in victory!

I can't wait to witness that day!

But for now, I pray I can remain faithful as part of the remnant, and wait for the redemption of He Who is Mighty to Save!  Amen!


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