
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Just as We Are

"Well...there's only 1 you in the whole world; and that's who you have to be: the best "you" you can possibly be..." we told Dylan last night when he was slipping into one of those moments of comparison that threaten to destroy any bit of joy you may be faintly experiencing.  It's hard, just be ourselves, I mean...personally, when I take a look at myself, all I want to do is hide under the bed and wish I were someone else.  I want to be someone accomplished.  I want to be someone successful.  I want to be someone dearly loved.  I want to be someone useful.  I want to be someone organized.  I want to be someone at peace with who she is...


Often I wonder what did My Lord see in me to decide to die for me?

It is unfathomable!  That the King of Kings and Lord of Lords found someone like me worth His sacrifice...

It is the most marvelous mystery on this side of eternity; and I am most grateful for it.  The thought brings humility to my prideful heart.  It helps me ground me on the truth that I am nothing without Him.  It reminds me that it is not up to me, and that I don't have it all figured it out, not even a little bit.  It shows me the Majestic nature of the God I love...that He chose to look at me even before I came into existence:

5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

This is the encouraging words I would like to offer to all who belong to Christ.  He knows us, and He still loves us, regardless of all that we are...and He set us apart to be in His family, as His adopted beloved, to serve Him and all He places around us.  Whether as prophets or as humble, fellow sojourners, we all have a custom-made mission that only we can fulfill.  And that is what makes us accomplished, successful, useful, organized, dearly loved and at peace.

I don't know if Dylan understood the meaning of our words last night, but I pray the Lord will reveal to him as well as to us, the wonderful path He has so carefully designed for us, to be walked by us, just as we are.

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