Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Noah's Times
One can't help but wonder if the world is finally coming to its end when watching/reading/hearing the news today. I'm not going to go over the headlines here, we know what they are...and if you don't, I'm just going to say: it's really bad out there. I wonder, though...what would the news had been broadcasting in Noah's time?
Hey, I like that, The Noah's Times newspaper. Ha!
Anyway, if we go to Genesis 6, I think we got our front-page headline: "Wickedness in the world." They had population explosion, unnatural and confusing relations happening between groups that were not meant to be together, the human race tearing itself apart and...who exactly were the Nephilim? I have no idea, and, actually, I don't think I really want to know. The only thing clear was that God was not happy and He decided it was best to start over after wiping out all that existed...yikes!
Don't we feel like that sometimes, still? I know I do. I look around and I wonder, how in the world is this going to ever going to get any better? Has humanity reached that point when God says, enough?!
I don't know. But it sure feels that way. God is Holy. He cannot be where holiness does not exist. He is Sovereign. And He is Just. But He is also Faithful and Loving. All His qualities define Him; therefore, He is Trustworthy. Back in Genesis' times He took care of His remnant. Those who belong to Him were saved and constituted the rebirth of the earth. And, since Our God is the Same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13: 8), He is with us today the same way He was with Noah back then.
The way I see it, the ark was like a metaphor for the way God acts: the boat where all those who belong to Him find refuge, strength and salvation. In other words, the ark is Jesus the Christ, the One who carries us safely through the storm and destruction, and delivers us securely onto the shores of eternity.
I don't want to live in constant fear due to threatening circumstances and/or to the current state of the world. I want to trust that God has already built His New Ark: Jesus, confirming His new covenant, and that He will sustain us by His sufficient grace either until the rain stops, we breathe our last or He comes again.
May the promises of God give us the assurance of His protection and help us sail the rough waters of today trusting The One Who Commands the winds and the waves. Amen!
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