
Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Perfect Song

I don't know about you, but I love music.  I remember, as a teenager, music was my refuge.  I felt very lonely all the time in my, music was my constant companion.  The songs on the radio provided an escape and gave me a place to go in my imagination.  Life always had a background song back then.  I had a very eclectic taste, so I enjoyed music even if I didn't understand the lyrics.  I remember spending hours upon hours trying to figure out the words of my favorite American songs so I could look them up on the dictionary and see if I could piece together the lyrics as in a puzzle.  Most of the time, I only was able to get a line in the chorus or the have no idea how easy they have it now with the Internet...

It took me years, until my English was decent enough to go back and finally understand that the 1984 song "Missing You" by John Waite had the word "ain't" in it, which gave a whole other twist to the story and made me like it even more (though, I also learned that we ain't supposed to use ain't).

Songs were and continue to be an important part of my life.  They transport me and give me joy.  They accompany me when I'm alone.  They don't judge me.  They are always there when I need them.  They offer me what I want...which usually means a safe place to land when I'm feeling the hardships of life pile up on my road...

So, today, when I read Isaiah 12: can imagine how I paused at the sight of the word "song."

"Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For the LORD GOD is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation."

I usually read an NIV Bible, and unfortunately, this translation does not contain the word "song," but rather, it uses the word "defense" instead.  How shocking!  Why?  It is, in my humble opinion, so much richer to read that the Lord God is my "strength and my song"!  I totally get it!  He is "My Song!"  WOW...mind blowing...

The Lord God is the Song I've been waiting for my whole life!

He is the One Song that I never played, but that was always there...waiting for me to discover Him...hidden on the back of the shelf...collecting dust.  He is the One Song in my playlist that I never downloaded, and one day plays back in the shuffle...amazingly unexpected...wonderfully soothing...endlessly loving.

He is the Perfect Song.  He is the Song that brings me peace and comfort when I am feeling low.  He is the Song that offers me company when I'm alone.  He is the Song that doesn't reject me when the whole world things I'm nothing.  He is the Song that doesn't judge me when I am weak.  He is the Song that makes me strong.  He is the Song that moves me and encourages me, when I don't know the point of living.

All along the road of my life His Presence has been my sound track...and today, I just pray that I can have the ears to hear and the heart to tune in, for the Lord God is my Salvation, my Strength...My Song!

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