
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Church without a Building

Image we are...a Sunday, a beautiful Sunday with blue skies and sunshine...and our church building is closed...

Notice I said church "building."  Obviously, that wording was intentional because, the Church is not the building.  We know, the Church is us, the people of God.  We are the Church.  The body of believers IS the Church.

Of course, we are called to gather together not only because it is our duty, but because AMAZING things happen when we do:

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18: 30

And we are NOT to neglect such gatherings:

Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10: 25

But, when circumstances keep us from meeting with our brothers and sisters in Christ in person, physically, under the same roof...we can still gather spiritually as we recognize that we are actually the Temple (1 Corinthians 6: 19)...the Holy Spirit lives in us, so we convene with Him on the Sacred and Holy Ground of our hearts and souls.  

Therefore, today, let's have our gathering as we dedicate time to focus on our reality as children of God, a God who has not and will never, ever forget about us.  We belong to a fellowship that is unbreakable.  We are united in Christ who tells us to "rejoice and be thankful!" as we walk with Him, intentionally paying attention to Him.  On a day when the world seems to be upside down, crumbling and changing by the hour...let us fix our eyes on the One who never changes...on the Cornerstone.  

Let's read a chapter in the Bible and meditate on it.
Let's read a devotional.
Let's watch a Christian movie with the family.
Let's play Bible trivia with the kids.
Let's have a meal and truly give thanks for the food in front of us as we pray for those less fortunate.
Let's seek His peace through staying thankful.
Let's share an encouraging word with someone else.
Let's send a virtual hug to someone who feels alone.
Let's look at all that He has created and contemplate in awe.
Let's be still and know that He IS God!

Soon, we pray, this whole mess we are in will be in the history books.  Soon, we pray, we will be together again in our beautiful sanctuary.  Soon, we pray, we will hear the melodious sounds of our friends voices and the delightful squealings of our kids dancing in the hallways of our Sunday School aisle.  But today, let's be the church on our own.

In the Precious Name of Our Lord.  Amen!

NOTE:  share with us what you are doing as the church on your own today. Virtual hugs to all!

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