
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Group Test

So the cloud of the LORD was over the tabernacle by day, and fire was in the cloud by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel during all their travels. Exodus 40: 38

I absolutely love the last verse of the book of Exodus in the Old Testament.  It is a testimony to how Our Great and Awesome God is always, constantly and unconditionally with us.  And, I need messages like this as I tremble and shudder at the current world situation.  

I've always been a person who likes to feel in control.  Dan says I'm like a dictator.  Well...I wouldn't go that far...but, in a way, I am.  I do like controlling things, people and events.  Life has taught me, however, over and over again, that I must not be like that.  I need to learn to let go of the reigns and relent my desire to be so controlling.  And today's world crisis with the coronavirus is the mother of all lessons. This is like my dissertation defense.  If I pass, I will get my PhD on letting go.  I remember that day.  The day I had my dissertation defense in front of a committee of pompous/elitist/larger-than-life professors who sat in a semi-circle facing me, ready to pounce at my every argument, waiting for me to stumble and fall so they could confirm that I was not worthy of  being granted a PhD.  All through this inquisition, I was able to divert every flaming arrow and occasionally even hit back.  The reasons I could do that? I knew my topic inside and out...I knew I had Dan outside waiting for me, ready to catch me regardless of the outcome, and I knew The Holy Spirit was in me, present always.

As I see my plans shattered on the floor, and I can't even pick up the pieces to put something back together again, I think about how the Lord has been preparing me for a time like this.  For years He has been trying to teach me the lesson of trusting Him above any I could take this exam now.  I walk into the room of testing not knowing anything else other than the assurance of His Presence, His constant and unfailing presence in me, and the fact that I am not alone.  He has given me a family to walk with me and to hold on to as the exam takes place.  I know my subject well.  And the main point is that I don't know anything other than the truth of Jesus, and that the only certainty is my need to seek Him first and keep my eyes on Him.  

The funny thing about this dissertation defense is that it is not just me going through it.  It is the entire world.  It's like a group test (which my students always ask me for and I say NO).  We are not alone in the conference room facing ruthlessness by ourselves!  We have each other to hang onto as the Lord leads our every step.  We can do this!  We know what to do.  We know that if He stuck by the Israelites regardless of their nagging, fickleness, grumbling, immaturity, faithlessness and disobedience, He will stick by us too.  His Presence is with us.  All we have to do is Trust.  As we trust, even those control-freaks like me, will learn to let go. 

Dear Lord, as we travel through this world crisis with the coronavirus and all the ramifications of the current situation, we trust You are with us.  We trust You love us.  We trust nothing can separate us from You loving arms.  We trust You are Good and Faithful.  We trust You will calm our fears and turn them into faith.  We trust that at the end of this journey, we will be stronger, closer to You and victorious.  We know a PhD will be nothing compared to the honor and glory of being found under the shadow of Your Wings. Keep us there, Dear Lord.  Keep us near.  Give us a special awareness of Your Presence so our souls can find peace.  In the Precious Name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior.  Amen! 

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