
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

My Mountain

This is how close to the mountains sometimes our bus rode!

I'm not much of a mountain person.  Given the choice for a vacation, I wouldn't pick the mountains.  I'd pick the beach 150% of the time.  However, often, I'm NOT given the choice, so last year, I went on a tour of the American West that took me and my sisters on and around the Rockies.  And, let me tell you, this beach girl learned to appreciate the mountains. 

The majesty of the peaks imposing themselves on the scenery like silent giants makes one feel so very insignificant.  They are the vigilantes of the land.  You stare at them and they stare right back at you with a force and intensity that leaves you in paralyzed awe.

The constant roar, crashing and flow of the ocean make me feel full of energy, while the unmovable strength of a mountain makes me feel vulnerable and small...and to tell you the truth...also a bit afraid.

I understand why God, the Great I AM, decided to make His presence known to the Israelites on Mount Sinai.  He is Holy and His presence inspires awe and fear; therefore, what best scenery than a smoky mountain top to reveal His majesty to His people.  Thunder, lightening, earthquake, fire and a mountain...yep...that would cause the most experienced, outdoorsy camper to tremble and bury his/her face on the ground.

God descending on His Holy Mountain was a visible show of His Power and Might designed to instill respect, adoration and worship which would lead to obedience.  The interesting thing is, though...not even such a show was enough for His people to fully give their hearts to Him. 

Isn't that the same with us too?  We witness amazing manifestations of the Power, Glory and Love of Our Father, and still doubt and least I do...We experience the mountain top, and as soon as we descend, we get back into the pit.

I look at those pictures of my trip out west and it seems as if it wasn't even me who went there.  It was such a gift to be able to go, but the experience fades and the feelings lessen as time passes, until one day...they dissipate in the corners of our minds along with all the other forgotten memories...I pray it is not so with my encounters with the Lord.  I pray that even if my mind forgets, my heart and my soul always remember the trembling, worship and gratitude of all my mountain top moments with The Almighty, my Rock, My Mountain.  Amen!

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