
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Baby Steps

I read something on a devotional that had stuck with me:  "Victorious lives flow from victorious days." (Beth Moore)  At first, I wasn't sure what that phrase meant.  But I kept repeating it in my head over and over again...until it clicked (I know...I'm very slow).  It means:  baby steps.

Yes!  In order to have a life that could be considered victorious, I must start with a first step, which probably is going to be a baby one.  A victorious life is one that begins with one day...the day of calling...the day when I receive my call from My Lord asking me to follow Him.

From that day on, the war begins...but it is impossible to win the war without winning the daily battles first.  And each daily battle begins with a baby step...a baby step for the day.  The daily baby step is usually a decision: I will begin today thanking God for a new dawning.  I will read something from the Bible today.  I will speak life today.  I will not gossip today.  I will be kind today.  I will forgive today.  Anything that would constitute taking one baby step today will defeat the enemy and win the battle for that day.  And as we continue each day...renewing our minds and putting on the armour of God every day again and again, we will accumulate a whole history of days in which battles were won until a complete life rises up as a testimony of the Victory in the Lord.

Setbacks will occur...of course...we live in a fallen world and our wills are corrupted.  But nothing is impossible for the Lord and in His Great Mercy and Love, He forgives as we confess, and He picks us up as we fall.  Confidence in His plan and Hope in Christ, however, must always remain.  After all, we have already won!  Jesus won!  And, we share in His Victory.

for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 1 John 5: 4

Like a toddler learning how to walk, let's take our baby steps today, guided by the Loving Hands of Our Father, until we are able to look back and see a victorious life flowing from the collection of the victorious days of our lives.  In the Powerful Name of Jesus and by His Mighty Strength!  Amen!

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