
Friday, April 24, 2020

Distance Helps Us See

This morning I read something that reminded me of that one early dawn, not too long ago, when I saw the Big Dipper Constellation for the first time...and how, the only reason we can see those shapes on the night sky is because we are trillions, upon trillions of light years away from them...that's mind boggling in brain can't conceive what one light year truly is...let alone 101...regardless.  The point the reading was making is that of how distance helps us see things.

That really was intriguing to me this morning.

Distance allows us to see better.  I've had myopia since I was a young teen.  Therefore, it's very hard for me to understand how that could possibly be.  I can't even make out my kids' faces in the distance.  How am I supposed to be able to see better if I'm far removed from something?

Well, that's the thing:  I might not be able to.  But God can.

He not only has beyond 20/20 super vision, but He has full panoramic view of our entire lives.  He is with us, in us, but at the same time, He is removed enough from us that He can see the entire picture of our lives.  He is like us looking at the Big Dipper as a constellation...not like me seeing just one star...or worse yet, seeing a big blurry mess (which is what a starry night looks like to me without my glasses.)

We are the constellation, and God not only sees it in its entirety, but He designed it, created it and sustains it. 

We are too close to our lives.  That's why we can't see the big picture.  We plan and we manipulate and we concoct and we try to control so things go our way.  And when they don't, we pout, and throw fits, and raise our fists in anger asking why?  Our frustrations come from the fact that we have a hard time removing ourselves from our circumstances.  We have a myopia of the heart and soul.  We can only see near.  We can't see the future.  We only have the present moment.  And that is exactly how God designed us.

We are not supposed to worry about tomorrow.  We are only supposed to seek Him first...and everything else will fall into place...perfectly.  We are supposed to seek His presence and stop trying to figure everything out.  We are supposed to surrender control and trust Him to be in command of our destiny.  Mistakes, missteps, slips, slides and falls...detours, wrong roads, lost time...all of it is part of God's perfect plan for our lives.  He sees the full picture.  He sees the complete constellation and it is marvelously and carefully put together by the Loving Hands of Our Lord.

We just have to trust.

He has done it all.  It is finished, remember?  His Blood has cleansed us and by His Wounds we are healed.  Let's be still and Praise Him for what He has done for us.  Let's allow Him to be God.

May the Holy Spirit help us understand that Our Great God does not suffer from myopia.  May we be able to see the reality of how Our Amazing God, Creator of the Universe, Designer of Constellations, Sustainer of Our Lives, Lover of Our Souls, has made everything beautiful and perfect in Him...even our seemingly messy and sinful lives.  In the Precious Name of Jesus. Amen!

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