
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Waiting for The Light!

I was just exchanging messages with my sister and asking her for prayer with a giant mess we have at work right now, and after assuring me that she'll be praying for me, she said something that stuck.  She said, "today is a day of prayer and waiting, because we are waiting for The Light."

I loved that image. 

Last night, as we worshiped with the Tenebrae Service that Our Church put together and shared on YouTube...we experienced the darkness in a very physical way.  Only the one lonely candle representing Christ was lit at the end...and, I praised Him for Being the Light of the World.  Today, that image comes back to mind as we do take a day to wait for the Light in the midst of our own darkness.  Today is the day that the Lord has made for us to meditate on how horrible life is without Jesus...and how ugly things get when society wants to extinguish The Light of the Word. 

We don't like the Light because it exposes our every flaw and our every sin.  We say we fear darkness...but we get comfy in it, until we fall asleep...muting and hiding all evil that always develops and grows in it.  Today is a day to be awake in the dark.  Today is a day to be uncomfortable and to grieve the seeming departure of the Light.  Today is a day to wait for the return of The Light as we rediscover that The Light was never really gone...that it was us who withdrew from Him.

Jesus spent this day buried in a dark tomb carved upon a rock.  But there is no tomb so deep or no rock so heavy that can contain or extinguish The Light.

Let's wait knowing that Sunday is coming!  The Resurrection happened and the curse of darkness has been destroyed.  May the Holy Spirit give us guidance as we go through this Holy Saturday in prayer and we wait for The Light!  Amen!

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