
Friday, May 1, 2020

Extending Grace to Others

Image may contain: possible text that says 'TODAY YOU COULD BE STANDING NEXT ΤΟ SOMEONE WHO IS TRYING THEIR BEST NOT ΤΟ FALL APART 50 WHATEVER YOU DO TODAY, DO WITH KINDNESS IN YOUR HEART' I saw this post in Facebook not long ago and it really got to me.  It got me feeling really guilty. My guilt stems from the fact that I have not stopped to consider this truth lately.  I've been too preoccupied thinking of myself and my own objectives only.  And I have not given any thought to the fact that those whose actions are causing me stress might be going through stressful circumstances themselves.

I have not thought, even for a minute, that the people I'm so ready to condemn, to accuse and to gossip about might be immersed into their own personal pit of darkness.  And that, perhaps, such reality might be the exact reason why they are acting the way they are acting towards me.


This post made me realize that I am not as ready to extend grace to others as I should.  I have not practiced the golden rule:  Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6: 31

I have forgotten that I should  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4: 32

I have not "loved like Jesus has loved me..." (John 13: 34-35)

I have hardened my heart out of pride.  I have felt hurt and wronged, and I have left those feelings and emotions run my actions and decision making.  I have not given them the benefit of the doubt.  I have been so busy trying not to fall apart that I have not given them the same allowance that I have been demanding for myself.

I am grateful for this Facebook message because, at least, it has caused me to pause long enough to ponder these things.  I am not going to say that I have mended my ways and that I have magically become generous with my kindness toward those who have been giving me grieve during the last month and a half.  But I do believe that God put this message on a place where I could see it to make me reconsider my ways, confess and ask for forgiveness as I forgive others...

I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide me and show me the way as I continue to move forward in the midst of the challenging events that are surrounding me at this moment of my life.  I pray that the Lord will help me to give others the grace I hope for myself as the gift that it truly is:  a gift that nobody deserves but everyone needs.  In the Precious Name of Jesus.  Amen!

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