
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Foolproof Protection Helmet

Take the helmet of salvation...Ephesians 6: 17a

Chances are that most of us have heard or read about the ill and long lasting effects of concussions.  The research is very conclusive and extremely scary.  Entertainment venues, however, have not really been very forthcoming with producing movies and shows reflecting this reality.  I can only think of one movie that deals with this devastating issue.  The movie is, of course, Concussion.  This 2015 film starring Will Smith, puts the spotlight back on the dangers of football. Smith portrays Dr. Bennet Omalu, the Nigerian immigrant who was the first to publish research on the degenerative brain disease he called chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE. (  Interestingly enough, Dr. Omalu was working at the Allegheny County Coroner's Office in Pittsburgh, while doing his research...right in our backyard.

The movie shows how Dr. Omalu's research was dismissed by the NFL, calling it a failure.  It took years for the NFL to actually acknowledge the link between concussions sustained in football and long-term neurological effects.  The controversial findings, however, keep the spotlight away from the reality.  People who benefit from sports like football and others, do not want to hear the truth about the dangers that concussions truly cause on the players.  They dismiss it or/and ignore it, because the cost of really paying attention to this fact would be too high for them to pay.  At the expense of the lives of the players, most look the other way.

Yes, in some sports like football, there is a helmet that marketers might sell as "concussion-proof."  In reality, the helmet doesn't really protect the brain fully. It's not really foolproof.  And, there are other sports that don't even include helmets as part of their gear.  Take soccer and rugby for instance.  No helmet whatsoever.  Players withstand concussions all the time, and there's really not much said about it.

I'm not really trying to advocate for anything here.  It's just that, Ephesians 6: 17a made me think of all these.  When considering the helmet of salvation, and thinking about how much more players would suffer without a helmet, made me realize how crucial this piece of the armor really is.  Unlike the sport helmets, the one Paul talks about is, indeed, a death-defeating helmet, 100% guaranteed.  And, without it...our chances of making it through the battle are null.  The helmet ensures our salvation, hence the name. We risk much more than repeated concussions if we don't wear it.  One single blow without it, will mean total annihilation.  So, we better make sure we have it on every day!

But, what is it?  And how do I get it?

Well, like everything that brings has to be something to do with Jesus.

Nothing else saves us.  Not hefty bank accounts.  Not full-coverage insurance policies.  Not fortified mansions.  Not strong governments.  Not armies or bunkers. Not tight knit communities.  Not loving families.  Not committed spouses.  Not bigger barns.  Our lives will be demanded from us at any moment.  And the only thing that truly matters then, is the saving power of Christ, who ensures the eternal salvation of our souls.

He is Our Helmet.

He is Our foolproof protection.

He is Our salvation.

Unlike the football helmet, which still allows concussions to occur, even when properly fastened, the helmet provided by God does not disappoint.  Let's just make sure we have it on.  Amen!  

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