
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Marching on

 Do we ever stop worrying about our kids? or Do the things we worry about them just change?

Like my Dear Father (and many, many, many others) would say:  little kids, little problems.  Big kids, big problems.  But, are those big problems really much different from the little ones? Or are they really just the same, but more intensely dangerous?

Perhaps, I won't worry about the exact same things I used to worry about when they were younger. I guess now they know not to drink cleaning supplies or how to handle stairs...but... do they, really?  Haven't the cleaning supplies been replaced by dangerous and enticing drugs, though? Or aren't literal staircases replaced now by the many ladders they still have to climb in life to get to where they need to go?  Before, when they were little, the problems were solved by installing safety devices that kept cabinet doors locked and stairs blocked.  Now...when they are older and on their do I make sure they are safe?

My mind gets tied up in many knots when I think about all of the things that can go wrong in the lives of my sons.  I just can't bear it.  And the truth is...I just can't do anything about it either.

No matter how much I worry.  No matter how many scenarios I plot in my mind.  No matter how much I interfere in their lives.  No matter how much effort I put into trying to build safety nets and bubble wrapped fences around them...I will always fail to fully protect them...because I am not God.  I cannot "hem them in, behind and before..." (Psalm 139: 5)  Only He can.  He is the Only One who can keep them so closed to Him that they are sewed to His garment.  

I am not the one within whose dwelling they must reside to be kept from harm...I am not the shelter of the Most High. Their refuge and fortress, is God and Only God, in whom they must trust. (Psalm 91: 1-16) I am just one of those who had the privilege be put on this earth to point them out to Him, their true Savior and Redeemer.  Now, I must also trust.

As I see Dylan walking to catch the school bus and think about Grant being all alone in a brand new environment, during these times filled of uncertainty and fear...I realize I probably won't ever be able to stop worrying about my boys.  But, I also realize that, in order for me to not be paralyzed by the terrors of the world, I must always remember that The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. (Psalm 34: 7)

The Lord delivers us as we put our trust in Him.  I know how hard that is.  But we must not quit.  We must not fall into the traps set out by the enemy.  We have been equipped.  Let's not leave the armor of the Lord collecting dust in our closets.  Let's suit up and face the world.  Empowered by the strength of the Holy Spirit we march on.  In the Precious Name of Jesus.  Amen! 

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