
Friday, September 25, 2020

My Little Companion

 I've been working from home since early March...that means, it's going to be 7 months since the front room of my house has permanently become my office/classroom.  It's been interesting, to say the least...challenging, but also kind of fun.  It is especially fun when our dog Link starts to bark.  

You see, Link doesn't leave my side.  Wherever I go, he goes.  He follows me all around the house.  He is my little companion.  But since I spend most of the day sitting at my desk, so does he, sitting/laying by my feet.  Along the scattered books, papers, notebooks and empty cups, he has become a permanent fixture in this room too.  He seems happy.  He seems totally content.  Of course, as soon as he senses movement outside, he goes and looks out the window, which inevitably leads to his loud barking...and to me running to close the blinds to see if he'd quiet down...which leads to my students on the screen seeing me momentarily disappear to then reappear again, looking flustered and annoyed...

Anyway, my point seems to me that, for Link, there is no other place he'd rather be than by my side...and I truly love him for that.  He makes me happy as he keeps me company in his quiet presence (emphasis on QUIET).

I read something the other day that stuck with me:  the abundant life is the life lived in the presence of Christ.


I wonder if, in a way, that's what Link is teaching me.  The abundant life is not dependent on how abundant our earthly possessions are or on the beauty and comfort our homes offer us or on the size of our savings account or even on our families, friends and loved ones.  The abundant life is the one lived by Our Lord.  The closer we are to Him, the more time we spend seeking His presence, the deeper we get to know Him, the larger the joy, and the more real His love becomes.  The more we make Him the focus of our every move, the more we let Him draw us to Him...the more our hearts will overflow with contentment.

 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10: 10

This verse is tucked in between Jesus' talk about the Good Shepherd and how His sheep recognize His voice, and how the Shepherd lays down His life for His sheep.  He tells us how He is the gate to salvation, and how He is also the One Who Came through that very gate to save us and to provide out of the abundance of His presence. All we have to do is follow Him, not leave His side, sit by His feet and enjoy the love that pours out of His heart...just like Link...but hopefully, without any loud barks.

1 comment:

  1. Gisela, I love this, so much truth in here. I could learn also from my pet that follows me EVERYWHERE.


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