
Thursday, October 8, 2020

Sharing a Post about Healing

 I was going to write something today...but, I think I'll do that some other time.  Instead, I'd like to share a post Dan sent to me a few days ago, and I neglected to read until this morning...It moved me so that I'd like others to read it and pass it along as well.  It's a blog post called "This is How You Will Heal the Wound."  Boy...aren't we all walking around with a deep wound?  The entire world is wounded.  Our country is wounded.  Our souls and hearts are wounded.  Healing is what we crave the most.  Often, the healing we seek starts with us.  I pray this inspires you and me to take the steps to begin that deep healing we all so desperately want.  Enjoy:

This is How You Will Heal the Wound

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