
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Opening Our Eyes to Victory!

 Isn't it wonderful, how in the middle of a gloomy morning, when things are not looking particularly up, the Word of God brings us much needed cheer and encouragement?

That's what could happen everyday if we get in the habit of spending some time in Scripture...even if just a couple of minutes...even if just a few verses...the Word of God "will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it," says the Lord in Isaiah 55: 11

So, this morning, as I was contemplating another hard, complicated, exhausting day at work full of battles, disagreements and discord...when I was already feeling small and weak even before seven o'clock...the passage about Elisha being persecuted by the men from the enraged King of Aram brought to me wonderful words of hope that reminded me I am not alone.  When Elisha's servant saw nothing but an army of enemy horses and chariots ready to strike them, full of fear, he asked his master, "what shall we do?"  Elisha replied:

“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 
2 Kings 6: 16-17

Can you imagine being the servant?  One second your heart is filled with fear and despair, because your eyes can only see threat and defeat...and the next, the veil comes down, and you are able to see the truth!  What a wonderful sight! The soul rejoices and confidence returns because we know, for sure, that we are victorious!

Can you imagine being Elisha? Always being able to walk around with your eyes open to see the truth, knowing that we are victorious no matter how bleak things look from the perspective of those whose eyes only see the things of this world...

You know what?  We don't have to be the servant...always needing someone to open our eyes so we can see...we can be Elisha.  How?  By trusting God's Word.  He has told us that we have already won!  We just need to believe it, so our eyes can be open to this every time we are confronted with the threat of defeat, we focus on Christ's Victory rather than on the enemy.  Every time we fear battle, we can come to the Word and remember we too can see the fields full of horses and chariots of fire all around us.  Nothing can touch us...for the One who has already won the war is with us.  Even if by the eyes of the world we lose...we are triumphant!

I want to remember this today.  I want to walk with my eyes open and in confidence that what the Lord has promised is true...remembering that who the Lord has set free, is free indeed! (John 8: 36)

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