
Monday, November 23, 2020

Thanksgiving Week - Day 2

 I woke up this morning with a smile, because one of the first thoughts that popped into my mind was that Grant will be coming home tomorrow.  After his first semester away at College, having been home only really 2 weekends and 1 other time so he could vote in the general elections...he is coming home for a long break...and I am over the moon about that!

Dan asked me jokingly if I was already stockpiling on his favorite snacks and treats, to which I proceeded to detail everything I had already purchased and what I still had in my list.  He laughed at me and then we started reminiscing the day we dropped him off at his dorm, back in mid August, and how hard it was to come back home and see his empty room...

So, today, as I think about thanksgiving week, I would like to lift up prayers of praise and thanksgiving for the family God has given me to share my food, home and shelter with.  My heart is full of gratitude as I think back when I was young and didn't even think I would get married, let alone have kids.  I think back to the years of our early marriage when we definitely thought it was not in God's plan for us to have children.  I think back on the years of struggle.  I think back on the joy of receiving two boys.  I think back on seeing them grow up.  I think back on having them beg for a dog.  I think back on me saying, "ok" to the dog.  I think back and I realized even in the struggle there are meaningful and miraculous blessings: me not just being a Mother, but also, loving a dog...who knew?

Whatever your family looks like...wherever they might be at this year...whichever means you use to connect with them this Thanksgiving...let's praise the Lord for giving them to us. Whether they are blood related or not...whether they are humans or furry...whether they are near or far...whether they are physically present or virtually on a screen, let us praise the Lord for their existence.  And even if we feel alone, I pray that we realize we are not.  We are never alone if we belong to the family of God.


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