
Monday, November 30, 2020

Thanksgiving Week - Day 8

 Well, Thanksgiving Week is over.  The turkey and the trimmings are all gone. The pies?...nothing is left...not even the crumbs...  Christmas decorations have started to popped, and...wait for it...wait for it...drum roll, please:  Christmas movies are back on in my house!!!! YAY!!!  At least the ones that nobody else wants to watch.  I'm still not allowed to even suggest the classics that we watch as a family.  I tried to sneak in a couple of flicks the Wednesday before Thanksgiving day...but I was halted at the sound of the first jingle.  "It's not time yet!" My boys yelled at I abided...but the time has finally come! I can finally let my favorite streaming profiles be filled with suggestions of Christmas movies to fill my free moments and unwind...ahhhhh...

Which brings me to the last day of my thanksgiving week.  The day I want to praise the Lord and express my gratitude for time to rest.  For the first time in a long time...I was able to actually rest over the break.  I purposely did as little work, work as I could get away with.  I even ignored most emails...shhhhh...and it was wonderful!

I have to remember that resting is as important as eating or breathing!  Without proper rest, the body starts to fail.  I can only push myself so much.  I can only do so much.  And the key is: I am NOT indispensable.  No matter how many exclamation marks, flags and other "urgent/alert" symbols people may put in their messages, I do not need to let work run my life.  It is NOT THAT IMPORTANT! and neither am I.

I must put my priorities in order and remember what really matters.  The peace that is promised, the one that surpasses all expectations (Philippians 4: 7) will only come to us when we allow ourselves to sit quietly with the Lord, trusting His power and strength, not our we thank Him for who He is and what He has already done.

Taking time to unwind, relax, meditate on His Word, hang out with our loved ones, play with the dog...and enjoying the moments that bring us rest and renewal is a blessing we must not reject, no matter how busy we think we are.  I am thankful for this truth...and I pray the Holy Spirit allows me to organize my life to make sure I carve out prime time to rest in His care during this season of my life...and maybe fit in as many Christmas movies as I possibly can before the New Years, when the ban starts again.  Amen!

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