
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Captain and Passengers, Vine and Branches

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15: 5

In the Gospel of John, chapter 14, we see Jesus comforting his disciples after He had told them that He was going to be leaving...that entire chapter is one that records profound truths that Jesus revealed to us through His talks to His disciples...then, chapter 15 is another one charged with much revelation, this time, about the nature of our relationship with Him.  He gives us the illustration of the vine:  He is the Vine and we are the branches.  What a marvelous picture! Jesus sure was a great teacher!

As I am trying to get ready for two live zoom sessions for my Winter Term classes, I can´t stop thinking how I wish I could speak to my students in a way that they would understand.  I wish I could have the right examples and illustrations to make the lessons easier and unforgettable.  But, then, I think of my own walk with Jesus, am ashamed to admit...I so often either not pay attention to His teachings or just plain forget right after I´ve read it or heard it...

I don´t know how many times I have read John 15:5...and for as many times as I have read it...I have forgotten it.

I keep thinking that I can do all things on my own.  Especially, when things are going well in my life, I tend to forget about my total dependence on Christ and start believing the lie that I actually have it all together.  The truth is, however, I don´t know the first thing about having it all together.  I forget to acknowledge that, in the smooth sailing as well as in the rough seas, I owe it all to Him who commands the winds and the waves!  It´s not me.  It has never been me.  It has always been Him: Jesus, my True and Only North.  He is the One who has always guided the vessel that is my life.  Me?  I´m just a passenger.

O, but, how I like pretending I´m such a great captain.  It´s silly, really. like in the illustration of the Vine and the branches.  It would be as if I, a branch, cut off from the Plant, would pretend to bear fruit just because, when I got severed from it, there happened to be a couple of grapes still hanging in me.  The worst part...that I would believe I could continue to produce fruit afterwards...sigh...

The truth is, I am nothing detached from the Vine...I´m nothing but brush.

If I want a fruitful life, I must live a life of total dependence to the Source...I must remain a branch in the Vine.  Otherwise, well...nothing...

I pray that in this new year that is approaching so very fast, we can realize that only in total dependence we can ever be free and lack nothing.  It sounds like a contradiction, but He is Worthy of our total commitment, worship and praise.  He is the Only One we can trust in this kind of relationship.  We just have to relinquish the wheel.  May we all be able to take that step in 2021.  In the Precious Name of Our Lord and Sustainer, Jesus Christ.  Amen!

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