
Saturday, December 5, 2020

Seeking Discernment

 I've been reading through the book of 2 Kings, and let me tell you... after King David... the entire procession of Kings of Israel, which at some point became divided into the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah, was full of kings who "did evil in the eyes of the Lord." Only a handful, Josiah mainly, was one of the very few who wholeheartedly decided to come back to the Almighty and follow His commands.  The rest...sigh...

I cannot believe how, the Israelites, who walked with God, got the law handed down to them through Moses, had manna from heaven, had the Arc of the Covenant and all the prophets...could forget the Lord and just do evil and fall under persistent is that possible? Easily: they were human beings...weak in spirit, forgetful, frivolous, selfish, self-servient, seekers of pleasure, fallen human beings...just like us.

It's funny how we tend to pass harsh judgement on the Israelites; but think so highly of ourselves.  "Yeah, but they had the Pillar of Light, and the Burning Bush, and the word of the prophets! How could they walk away from God?" We'd say these things...not realizing that we, who have inherited the entire revelation of God in Scripture, have the Holy Spirit, God with Us as our Counselor and Divine Helper, the very Presence of God in our soul, the same.

We are just like the Israelites of long ago.  We trample on the very blessings that should speak loudly of God's Unending Love...and kick Him out of our lives, seeking to worship other gods...mainly those made at our own image.

How could we do that?

I don't know.  Maybe we get too comfortable in our wealth.  Perhaps, we get too cocky on our accomplishments.  Pride takes over and our vision gets clouded and our hearing becomes impaired.  Mostly, I think, it is because we lose our ability to discern and we forget to seek Him first.

Today, I pray the Holy Spirit would give me a special awareness of His Presence and direct guidance so I can choose to search Jesus this Advent Season...I pray for discernment of His Word and His Commands.  I pray that He would allow us to find Him even in the midst of this crazy world and society.  And that we may not forget that He is the center of our lives.  I pray these things trusting Jesus will give us another chance and cover us with His Grace and Forgiveness.  In His Precious Name.  Amen!

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