
Thursday, January 14, 2021


 To seek...what a great, little word.  I love the way it sounds, short, strong, but, at the same time, the beginning "s" followed by the double vowel is a letter combo that gives it a special softness to the ear...yeah...I like words.  I've always been sort of a nerd.  I also like seeking, bargains mostly, but information in research...again, nerd, right?  And as I researched a bit about the definition of the verb "to seek" I came across one that made me pause:  To seek:  an attempt to find something.  

How curious...the action of "seeking" implies the action of "attempting" not of "finding."  The emphasis is on the attempt.  Finding is only a possible result, not guaranteed.  Except when it is part of a promise of God in the Flesh, Himself:  

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.  Matthew 7:7

These are the words, the promises of Jesus as part of the greatest teaching moments in His ministry here on earth, The Sermon on the Mount.  The command to seeking also came as part of this divine encounter with Jesus at the Mount, when He told us, a bit earlier, not to worry about the things of this world, to stop chasing after them,

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:33-32

And here lies the answer as to why we must seek Him first, today, now, as we wait: because tomorrow doesn't matter.  He takes care of tomorrow.  Tomorrow does not belong to us.  The future is not part of the promise other than the fact that if we get there, there will still be problems.  Our job is to get a grip of today, of our now and in this moment, to seek Him first.  The rest will come as He has planned it.  

Therefore, as we enter a period of waiting...o, the disagreeable time of waiting...let's make it into a time of seeking.  Let's make it into an attempt to find Him, His Kingdom and His Righteousness right here were we are, right in the middle of our circumstances...let's let go of the rest, because the rest is it up to Him.  Let's seek, and then let's see.  But, that's the next step.  We'll get to it another day.  In the meantime, we continue actively waiting in Him as we Seek Him first aided by the inspiration, comfort, strength and guidance of Our Ever-Present Helper, the Holy Spirit.  In His Hands we wait and we seek.  Amen!

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