
Monday, January 25, 2021

The Lord of My Time

 I can't believe this is the last week of January already.  Time feels so fleeting lately.  Even though I'm still working from home, and not going almost anywhere...I don't seem to have enough hours in the day to finish up all the stuff in my "to do" list...or  to-do "notebook," rather.  Once I started working from home I decided I needed an entire notebook dedicated to my "list" because I was beginning to drown in little pieces of scrap paper with all my tasks scribbled on them, posted all over my working space.

At any rate, my point is, I am as busy or busier now, than I was before the pandemic even though I don't go anywhere!  How is that possible?

I don't know...

The thing is, work never goes away now.  

Before, I would be able to leave the bulk of the work behind at the office.  Now, work is with me all the time.  It's crazy!  I even have my phone hooked to my car so I can answer it when I'm driving if my boss calls...

Time is our most valuable possession ...and so often I feel as if I keep wasting it on things that are of little to none eternal value.  It makes me really sad.

Today, I read in my devotional a statement that made me pause:  "Bring me the sacrifice of your time." (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)

Yes, the Lord knows how time is the most valuable thing we have to offer to Him...and how many times I refuse to give it to Him.  Instead of prioritizing Him in my schedule, I keep pushing Him aside to my "spare time."  HA!  You know what that means, right?  And without me noticing, my agenda is so full, that...

I can't let that happen.  If I claim a surrendered life, I must live a surrendered life.

If I proclaim the need to seek Him first...I must seek Him first, indeed!


Lord, I pray that you may help me live a life surrendered to You, and that I may make You my first priority.  I don't want to continue to waste my most precious gift on the things of this world.  I want to offer it to You, as my sacrifice for Your compassion, holiness and forgiveness.  May Jesus be the Lord of my Time.  In the Precious Name of Our Savior and Light, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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