
Friday, February 26, 2021

A Shelf of Peace

 I don't know about you, but clutter really messes me up.  I mean, I am NOT a neat freak AT. ALL. I just want to say that up front.  I know neat people, and to them I am a offense to pigs...

The thing is, that even though I'm not super neat, I do have to have at least one room, one space, one area, one drawer, something, where I can focus my eyes and exhale.  Of course I would prefer to have the entire house be orderly and decluttered.  That's impossible, however, mainly due to the fact that in addition to the fact that I, myself I'm messy, the other people who live here are even messier than me.

At any rate, that's why I am content with having just one place that is orderly and the way I like it so once in a while I can set my eyes on it, and reset.  In my home office, for instance, it's a shelf that I have right in front of my desk.  Every time I need a mental break, I look at it and it helps me.  Every object on that shelf is where I want it to be.  There's nothing there that I don't intend it to be there.  Nobody places keys or empty cups or half-eaten candy or dirty socks on it.  So, when my day becomes all twisted and out of control, when things don't go the way I planned them and complications, opposition, conflict arise, I sit back on my chair and stare at my shelf for a few minutes and I can start to breathe again.  It's like the shelf reminds me that, even though my life might not reflect it, there is order in this world...not just chaos.  

And, you know what? In a very small and rustic way, the shelf is a metaphor for the Christian life.  When life is out of control, and complete disorder and confusion seem to be the norm, when we don't know where we're headed, and chaos appears to be ruling our personal lives as well as society and the world at large...there is a place we can look at to re-center:  The Cross of Jesus.  

It is on the Cross that Jesus bridged the gap between God and humanity.  On the Cross, Jesus cleaned house.  On the Cross He restored the order that God had established back "in the beginning."  And, no matter how much us humans like to mess it up again, and again...the Cross stands as a tall reminder that it's not about us and how much chaos we bring to the world.  It is all about Him.  He is in control, and we have to look no further than His Cross to re-center and re-focus.  That's the redemption He has brought into our lives: order in the midst of confusion and disarray...cleanliness in the midst of clutter and dirt.

I cannot keep my house fully decluttered because humans live in this house.  The same way, I cannot expect the world, society, the government, work to be neat and in perfect order because all of those are packed full with humans too.  However, I know where to keep my eyes fixed on when I need my fix of sanity and order.  When I feel as if everything is imploding or collapsing in front of me, I have to look above all the fray and stare at the Cross of Jesus...I have to find His Face and fix my eyes upon Him...until I see the things of earth growing the light of His glory and grace.

"For God is not a God of disorder but of peace--as in all the congregations of the Lord's people." 
1 Corinthians 14: 33

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