
Monday, February 15, 2021

I Hate Disruptions!

 We are doing some work in our main bathroom, and I'm very anxious to see it finished because the construction is becoming a huge inconvenience.  The noise is interfering with my classes (students are wondering whether I'm in the middle of a war zone or something) the dust is exacerbating my allergies and the clutter is driving me insane!  I have a bathtub in my bedroom, a toilet in the hallway, I get splinters in my feet every time I walk upstairs and I have to go to Grant's room every time I need a, hairbrush, a hair tie or toilet paper.  UGH!!! 

It's been almost 3 weeks, and due to some unforeseen issues, there is still no significant progress done.  I'm getting very frustrated.  Then, due to baby "snowmagaddon" our contractor called to let us know he won't be able to make it today. "It's not even snowing!  You know, this is going to be one of those alarmist reports, when they announce the sky is falling, and all we get is a dusting of snow at best!" Double UGH!!! 

The worst part is:  there is nothing I can do about it...sigh...

"I hate disruptions!" I yelled out in an effort to exert some kind of authority.  "Well, it seems like God is all about interruptions and disruptions..." Dan replied calmly.  I looked at him with fury in my eyes, and I realized he wasn't looking for a delightfully heated argument at 7:00 a.m.  He wasn't even looking at me.  It was almost as if he hadn't even said anything.  That made me even angrier...but...something stopped me from going into one of my typical rants...maybe it was the memory of something I've written before about how God uses any rate... I just let out a deep sigh and maneuvered around the bathtub, tiptoeing around the debris out of my bedroom.  

Yes, it's true.  Disruptions, interruptions, detours, delays, much as I dislike all of them...they are used by God to shape our character and mold our hearts until they resemble what we are meant to be like:  Jesus.  

They are divine events that come into our lives because we need them.  They teach us something.  They reveal God's plan for us.  They help us acquire an attitude of humility, cleansing us from deeply rooted pride that makes us believe that we are in control...showing us the need to surrender so we can be truly free.

I keep praying that God will make me it is.  Nothing will make me more humble than to surrender the white-knuckled-held reins off my hands.  

Nothing would help me ease on my pride than opportunities to realize I am not in control.

Nothing could teach me how to be free better than instances in which I must bow down to His will...His good and perfect will for me.

Snow is coming down with force now.  I'm glad our contractor decided not to brave the roads in this weather to please the erratic whims of a drama queen.  I pray he is safe at home, and that we are able to enjoy a day of peace and quiet, without drills, saws or hammers, huddled together without anywhere to go.  Praise God for His Patience and his Mercy.  Praise Him for His willingness to continue to teach even the most stubborn of His children the lessons of eternity.  Praise Him that He loves us so much, that He is interested in changing the wildest of hearts.  In the Precious Name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.  Amen!

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