
Sunday, February 21, 2021

Lift Up My Eyes, Lord!

 "Have a good day, Dylan!  Remember, look up at the stands if you need instructions!" Dan yelled out at Dylan from our front door, as he was walking away to catch the bus on a yet, another blistering cold and snowy morning.  "He never does..." Dan sighed, looking at our son battle the elements outside...pondering how much easier it would be if he'd do what he was told.

One of Dan's source of pride and joy is the fact that he played basketball all through High School in a team that won the regional championship and ended up among the top-ten in the state when he was a Senior.  Dylan shares Dan's love for the game and he wants to be a star player.  Dan keeps trying to give him tips and anyone who has ever met a teenager...they don't like to listen very much, especially to their Dads.  So, Dan's source of frustration has always been Dylan's reluctance to do what he tells him.  That day, Dylan had a home game and we were planning to attend: another blessing from working from Dan was trying to remind him to look up at where we would be sitting in case he felt he needed some guidance...but Dylan never does...

At that moment, I thought of Psalm 121 verses 1-2:

I lift up my eyes to the mountains
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

I have always loved these verses...ever since I heard them in the now classic song by Casting Crowns: Praise You in the Storm, the words have become tattooed in my brain.  Back then (this song was released in 2006) I didn't know they were from Scripture.  It wasn't until a while later, when I was participating in a Bible Study on the Psalms of Ascent that I realized it...and I was marveled.  I was also is it that these words have been always there for me, and I had never seen them?  I've own a Bible since I was a kid...and I never knew these verses...I guess I haven't been lifting up my eyes as often as I should have...

 I guess I don't look up to "the stands" EVER.  I guess I'm just as guilty of not listening.  I guess I'm just as stubborn...and as full of pride...thinking I don't need "instructions."

I guess, in a very small way, as parents, we experience a bit of what God goes through with us when we ignore Him.

It was funny to hear Dylan recently make a comment of something his basketball couch had said, which was exactly something Dan had told him a million times before...but the words never sank in until he heard them from someone else.  What is that all about?  Why are we like that?  Why does it take so long for us to learn?

I have no clue...I'm the world's slowest learner when it comes to the things of the spirit.  I'm too tuned into the world, I hear the frequency of the voice of that speaks to my soul.  Here's the need again, for silence.  I don't know how to quiet myself long enough to hear the voice of My Coach...I just pray He leads me to it ... so He lifts my eyes up to the place where my help comes from.  In Christ Precious Name.  Amen

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