
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Silence after Praying

 "Don't fall for the trap of being constantly on the go." (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young) This is a line from my devotional reading yesterday that stuck with me.  "The trap of being constantly on the go..." boy, is that a true trap or what?

For many, this new reality of isolation and physical distance, work-from-home and not going out much or even at all, has created a change in circumstances that has brought up a less hectic pace.  Some are even bored due to having to stay home all the time.  Many are lonely...and this is a huge issue that deserves more than a passing glance.  But, for some reason, in my case, I believe I'm more frantic now that I've ever been.  I'm attributing it to the fact that I have had added responsibilities at work that coincided with the start of the pandemic, never ends.  

My days are filled with problems that need to be solved and with challenges that have no solutions.  My thought life has become an endless preoccupation with work-related issues.  And it never goes away.  I work from never get to walk away from it.  My only respite is my once-a-week grocery shopping trip. follows me even there, since I carry my phone with me.  I don't know how many times I've been talking to the Dean over the produce isle...

I am finding it hard to gather a few minutes to just "be still."  I fear I've fallen in the trap of the constant go, go, go...even when I don't have to "go" anywhere.  Even my prayer life is like something else I must check off the endless to-do list.  Prayer. Check!  Next.  Go!

Today, I read an advice that said something like this: spend a few moments in silence after prayer.  Something so simple...and so difficult to achieve.  I tried it this morning, and I couldn't do it!  I needed to get going because there were "pressing" things that needed my, saying goodbye to Dylan as he walked out the door to go to school.  I mean, I can't miss that?!  But...perhaps, I can get up earlier so I still have time for a few minutes of quiet time before starting the day.  I think that would be so nice...and...that would be a way out of the trap.

The enemy does whatever he can to keep us away from the Lord.  He knows that it is in those moments of silence when we can hear God's enemy adds noise and the impression of the necessity of the constant go, go, go attitude...but it is always a choice.  We have the choice to pray the Lord helps us to get organized so we don't have to sacrifice things of eternal value.

I pray that I can start this discipline of spending a minute or two in complete silence after I'm done praying...I know that simple practice will make a world of difference, as it brings peace to my soul and calm to my heart.  In Christ Name, I pray.  Amen!

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