
Friday, March 12, 2021

A Whole Year Later

 A year ago, on a Friday much like today, the world changed.  It was March 13th, which it happened to be not only a Friday but also a full moon...that should have been an indication of the things to come.  That fateful Friday, my kids came back from school with the content of their lockers in their back packs.  They were confused and worried.  they had been sent home for "two weeks to flatten the curve."  Remember that?  Well...they never went back to school.  They wrapped up the year at home.  Grant's Senior year's excitement turned into disappointment and Dylan's grades tanked because the online learning system was just not good for his learning style.  My own students were confused and alarmed.  It was the beginning of life turned up-side-down.

I remember clearly how worried Dylan was.  It was at his urging that I decided it was probably a good idea to go grocery shopping that evening.  Little did I know, by the time I'd make it to the store, complete isles would be empty.  Toilet paper had vanished and it would be months before we could get kitchen wipes again.  Food was scarce and  rationed.  The talk of face covering in public began to take force.  And "social distancing" became the thing.  Soon, the whole world would be on lock-down.  Soon, teleconferencing would be the only way to stay in touch.

Today, a year later...A.WHOLE.YEAR.LATER...we look back at what we experienced and continue to experience and wonder whether we would ever go back to the way things used to be like. I have no clue if we ever will.  I have a feeling the world has changed and it might not return to what it was before Covid-19...but, one thing is for sure, as with everything in life, God is Sovereign.  

He is in control.  It does not matter how crazy things get and how messed up it all seems.  It is not crazy or messed up to Him Who Reigns over all.  We know He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. (Colossians 1: 17)  Therefore, we trust that He knows what He is doing.

As we contemplate what this past year was like, and dread the things ahead, we don't have to wonder, In whose hand is the life of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind? (Job 12: 10) For we know to whom we belong.  And we know that Our Redeemer Lives! (Job 19: 25-27)  That's all the assurance I need.  No amount of hand sanitizer or disinfectant can ever protect me the way My Lord takes care of me.  I trust You, Lord, and I remain under the shadow of Your wings. May Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  In the Precious Name of Jesus.  Amen.

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