
Thursday, March 11, 2021

The slavery of the paycheck

 What's a paycheck to me?  Yesterday, I saw a quote that equated a salary to a dream-killer.  When I read that, I started thinking that for me, my salary is actually a form of slavery.  I've become a slave to my paycheck because it gives me security.  My salary makes me feel safe and protected.  Then...those thoughts made me feel really worried.

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Matthew 6:24

I have never considered myself so enamored with money to the point of letting it become my master.  I have never thought I have an idolatry problem when it comes to money.  But, I need to let Jesus examine my heart and search it in a way that it will expose whatever is in there that needs to be cleansed...praying that in His Mercy He does get rid of those tendencies and make me whole.  Because, lately, if I'm completely honest to myself, I'm afraid I might have been devoted to the wrong master...

My life has become so consumed with work that I'm afraid I am neglecting my mission to seek Him first...

Quitting is not an option for me, though.  It's like when I asked Dan if he believed the quote was true, he said, "of course it's true, but we have to work.  We can't just not do anything."  That made me think, for people like us who were not born wealthy...isn't a salary a way to achieve our dreams?

That made me feel really confused. Is a salary a good thing or a bad thing? UGH!  

I think that the key lies on figuring out who my master truly is...just like Jesus said.

Is my job my master? Is my paycheck my master? Is my lifestyle my master? Is my bank account my master? Is my retirement fund my master? Is my house my master? Is my car my master? Can I let go of it all and still be in one piece?  Can I still remain standing on solid ground even if I'm stripped from it all, like Job?  

I believe God would not frown upon me for having a paying long as I can claim Job's words as my own: 

Though He slay me, I will hope in Him...Job 13: 15a

Will I continue to hope and trust in Him even if I lose it all?  If the answer is not a resounding "YES!" then, I'd be in trouble.  

That's the way to stay free from the slavery of money: a heart that is humble enough to recognize that whatever I have is never mine, but the Lord's and as He gives, He will take away, but even so, my soul will rejoice and bless His name.

May this be the truth you find when You search me, Lord. May You grant me a heart that is not attached to the things of this world, but that beats for eternity.  In Jesus' Precious Name.  Amen!

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