Wednesday, April 28, 2021
God's Hedge of Protection
Monday, April 26, 2021
God Speaks to Job
I often wonder why teenagers tend to think they know it all...I mean, I was a teenager once...I know, it was last century. But, I still remember. I was full of anxiety and insecurities...nothing new there. However, I do not remember thinking I knew it all. Maybe my parents would disagree. The problem is that it is too late to ask them on this side of heaven. But, I honestly don't remember thinking I knew better than them. Maybe I did, but I had too much respect for them to even imply a hint of superiority in my voice. I pretty much subscribed to the idea that "the fear of my Dad was the beginning of wisdom and the assurance of survival," LOL.
Our sons, however, are not afraid of speaking their minds. We're pretty strict and I'm very scary...but...for some reason, they are not afraid of speaking back to us. Especially Dylan...boy...that kid...sigh...
The thing is, reading chapters 40 and 41 of the Book of Job, when God is finally speaking, reminds me a bit of the kind of lectures I have been known to give to Dylan once or twice. I call them, the "who do you think you are, kid?" lectures. Do you know what I'm talking about? Are you familiar with those little chats between parent and child that start with "the look" that screams: "you did not just say that!" and end with someone walking to his room without his precious phone? Have you experienced those talks?
Well, I think that's the kind of speech that God gives Job when He finally speaks. I don't know what a "Behemoth" or a "Leviathan" are, but I bet that might have something to do with the point God is trying to make. He's like, "listen to me Job, I made these creatures, OK? They're insanely big and strong and wild and scary. Do you think you can capture them? Can you pull in Leviathan with a fishhook or tie down its tongue with a rope? Job, you couldn't begin to put together a plan to find them...forget about dominating, you don't even know what they are! You have no clue. You think you can say whatever you want. Do you have an arm like mine and a voice that thunders like this? Who do you think you are, kid?"
My favorite part is when God, like the parent addressing the brother that is butting in, turns to Eliphaz de "termite" and says something like, "by the way, you and your two all better keep your mouth shut. I'm angry with you too because you've been blaspheming be quiet now, you'll get yours real soon." (my paraphrasing of the Epilogue in chapter 42)
What often happens is that, it is not only teen boys who think they know better. We've all been there. I might not remember verbally questioning my parents or talking back at them. But I do know many times I have tried to tell God how to run things in my life. I have more than suggested to Him how to do things and how to plan the events of my days and of the days of those I love...because...honestly...I had thought I knew better. But we all know that I really do not know better...not even a little bit. I just have a lot of pride...and what I need is to "repent in dust and ashes."
I know I will probably continue to give my sons my lectures for as long as I'm around...but I will always do that inspired by the great love I have for them, to try to guide them through the path of what is right and righteous. And I can only pray that the Lord will continue to give me His lectures, and continue to reveal Himself to me so I too can be led to the path that will take me straight into His arms. In the Precious Name of Jesus, My Redeemer Who Lives! Amen!
Friday, April 23, 2021
The Art of Listening
"God gave us 1 mouth and 2 ears for a reason," Dan always tells Dylan every time his 15 year-old tongue gets away from him...which happens more than I would ever care to contemplate...sigh...the thing is, Dylan is not the only one. I am guilty of the same ailment: NOT LISTENING.
I talk too much. I don't mean that I'm talkative. I am not. Socially, I am quite reserved and rather quiet and contemplative in nature (at least, I'd like to think so). But in my is a different story. Inside of me there lives a person filled with aggression. My mind is filled with words. My thoughts are very loud in my brain, and it feels as if I just keep producing them non-stop. They are bumper to bumper, pushing each other like city highway traffic during rush hour. It was worst when I was younger. I have to admit that old age has slowed me down a bit. But still...when something is worrying me (which, let's be honest, everything worries me) my brain goes on overdrive. My mind gets so jammed packed with rushing thoughts, that there is no room for much else but for the worry that consumes me. And, worst of all, I become deaf to everything else. I stop listening.
My devotional reading yesterday was a good reminder of the need to listen...the need to listen to the whispering of the Holy Spirit:
"Listen to Me continually. I have much to communicate to you, so many people and situations in need of prayer. I am training you to set your mind on Me more and more, tuning out distractions through the help of My Spirit. Walk with Me in holy trust, responding to My initiatives rather than trying to make things fit your plans. I died to set you free, and that includes freedom from compulsive planning. when your mind spins with a multitude of thoughts, you cannot hear My voice. A mind preoccupied with planning pays homage to the idol of control. Turn from this idolatry back to Me. Listen to Me and live abundantly." (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)
I need to remember to stop worshiping the idol of control. Compulsive planning and the multitude of thoughts in my mind keep me from hearing His voice...keep me from living abundantly...I pray that the Holy Spirit helps me be more selective with my thoughts. I pray He enables me to quiet them down long enough so I can listen. I pray I am moved to Scripture, as every word read from the Bible is a love note for us...His children. I pray I can renew my mind and redeem my thoughts. I pray I can truly listen to His voice. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the One and Only King of All that I am. Amen!
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
The Lord of the Storm
Have you ever experienced a storm of significant force? Growing up in Panama, I endured many tropical storms. The dark clouds magnifying the scary flashes of lightening, and the hard rain pounding fiercely on the tin roof, echoing the terrifying sound of the relentless thunder sent me to bury my head under my pillow more times I can count. My Mom was deadly afraid of these tropical storms. At the sight of the first flash, she would go to the inner most room in our house (houses in Panama do not have a basement), and start her panicky prayers, eyes tightly shut with a blanket over her face. I have to tell you, seeing my Mom so out of sorts did not help ease my own fears. It actually put me on an edge of anxiety that I can still feel today every time I hear a thunder rolling in the distance.
Storms are not my favorite. But, they sure are great illustrations, aren't they?
After all the harshness and accusations and recriminations and humiliation Job has received from his "friends," the Lord speaks. I just love that subtitle: The Lord Speaks. And speak He does.
Chapter 38 starts with what I consider a magnificent combination of words: "Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm." (Job 38: 1).
First, let's take a look at the beginning of this sentence: the Lord "spoke to Job." He addressed him directly. Intently. Unmediated. He did not use any emissary. There were no messengers. God didn't use any angels or special envoys. He spoke to Job Himself.
What a marvelous thought! These 5 little words bring me so much joy and hope. Job has been enduring the worst of circumstances, only to be aggravated by the "counsel of his friends," and God knows what Job needs. He knows exactly what will pull Job out of the pit: His voice. His presence. The Lord gives us what we need exactly at the precise moment of most effectiveness. And He knows what we need is Him. So, He gives Himself freely to us. He gives Himself to us in the person of Jesus, who broke the veil forever and opened the path between humanity and God for eternity.
But, the magnificence of this sentence does not end there. Look at the next 4 words: "Out of the storm." Out of the storm He spoke. And, boy, does Job know about storms...he had been beaten by the biggest personal storm recorded in history! The storm has literally taken everything from this man. But then, we have God speaking out of it. What does that mean?
Does it mean that God caused the storm? Well, of course not. We know the devil did. What we see here is how, no matter how much the enemy wants to run us down, crush us and destroy us, the Lord Almighty is the ONLY Lord of all. His sovereignty reins over everything, even the storms. He is the Lord of the storm! And He is in it, the same way He is in the quiet of the sunrise. And He calms it, the way a Mother hushes the cries of her infant. He is the Lord of the storm! And the winds and the waves obey Him. (Matthew 8: 26, Mark 4: 39)
My Lord, and My God!
You are the King of who I am!
May the Holy Spirit increase my faith to allow me to understand that You are in control. That You do care...that You love me enough to speak to me directly...and that Your Power is enough to calm my every storm as well as all the storms in the entire world. In the Precious name of Jesus, the One who rebukes the winds and the waves, and hushes my fears. Amen!
Friday, April 16, 2021
Moments of Thankful Awareness
My devotional reading this morning began with this line: "I'm calling you to a life of thankfulness." It continued: "I want all your moments to be punctuated with thanksgiving. the basis for your gratitude is My sovereignty." And the kicker was: "When you criticize or complain you're acting as if you could run the world better than I do." (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)
So, today, I want to pause the complaining...I want to stop the whining...I don't want to spend time criticizing...I want to have a heart filled with thanksgiving!
It's been a rough semester. My levels of stress have been very high. On top of that, I'm losing my beloved Administrative Assistant by the end of this month, and that is making me feel utterly lost. I caught myself crying in an empty room last night, thinking all these thoughts, feeling completely alone...when a thought ignited in my mind: you are not alone. I'm here. You depend on Me. That thought surprised me. It should not have, though...but it did...and the reason these marvelous thoughts surprised me is because too often I don't pause enough to allow myself to hear the soft voice of the Holy Spirit speaking directly to me.
When the thought startled me enough to make me pause my self-pity party, I immediately recognize it. In a moment of thankful awareness, I reformulated my prayer...from a panicky "God, what am I going to do? How am I going to survive?" To a prayer of thanksgiving where I offered the Lord my greatest gratitude for allowing me one year with my Assistant, to have her as my support, my teacher and my guide during the roughest year of my professional life...and for shaking away the feelings of desperation in which I was rapidly sinking. I thanked Him for making me see that He is my support. He is the One I depend on. He is the Only One who will never leave me. He is My Constant Light. And, as always, He is the One Who Will Deliver Me...the same way He has done it in the past, He will continue to sustain me for as long as I'm around.
I know it will be hard to complete my term as Chair without my dear Assistant...but I also know that I don't need to panic. I am not in control. And for that, I am thankful. I am not the one running the world. And for that, I am most grateful. My thanksgiving is punctuated by His sovereignty. He is the One Who Rules everything that happens in the entire world as well as in my little existence. There is no room to fear when we are in the Arms of the Almighty...there is no need to feel lost when we are on the road that has been opened by His Loving Hands. I trust Your Sovereignty, Lord. I trust Your Presence. I trust You will cover me with Your Strength. Help me live a life of thanksgiving regardless of the circumstances. In the Precious Name of Jesus. Amen!
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
I´m Not the Judge
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Preparing the Ground for Wisdom - More Gems from Job
Friday, April 9, 2021
You Are the One We Adore
Friday, April 2, 2021
Thank You for Good Friday
Today is the commemoration of the day the Jesus was crucified and died on the cross...Good Friday...what a glorious day. Sometimes, it's easy to wonder why we call it "good" when Jesus died such a horrendous death. It would have been better if Jesus didn't have to go through such terrible passion...but, the sins of the world are too many, and the price of redemption and of forgiveness is too high. Only the Precious Blood of Christ can pay it. And Good Friday is the day He Paid it all...therefore, it is "Good" for us.
Today is the day that Jesus said: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23: 34) Today is the day He breathed His last on this world. It is the day He committed His spirit into the hands of the Father and gave up His life for us. (Luke 23: 46) Today is the day, "the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two." (Luke 23: 45). Today is the day all hope seemed to be lost...when actually, true Hope has just began.
Today is a Good Day, because it is the day that made possible the direct connection between man and God. It is the day when Jesus became the bridge and made the gap disappeared. Today is the day that makes Job's prophetic words possible:
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Gems from Job
Do you think human beings are selfish by nature?
As I continue to read through the book of Job, I'm thinking of that person who always makes it all about herself or himself. You know that person? They are the ones who, no matter what you're talking about, they've also gone through that, experienced that, done that, been there. But, they are also those who get offended when life doesn't revolve around them. They try to stir the conversation or turn the spotlight back to themselves, when in reality, none of what's happening has anything to do with them.
Like kids, for instance, they are masters at making it all about them. In our house, Dylan is mostly that person. I don't know how many times we have to remind him of the fact that not everything pertains him...Dan always jokes about how Dylan is going to be the kind of husband that tells his wife, while in labor, that now she knows how he feels like when he has indigestion.
I see this in Job chapter 18 when his other "friend," Bildad speaks. I mean, Job has just spilled out his guts in chapter 17. He shows in words how crushed he feels. It breaks my heart reading him say things like: My spirit is broken, my days are cut short, the grave awaits me. (Job 17: 1) The man needs support. He needs comfort. He needs the quiet embrace of loving arms. What does Bilbo Bildad do? He gets offended and makes it about himself: