
Monday, April 26, 2021

God Speaks to Job

 I often wonder why teenagers tend to think they know it all...I mean, I was a teenager once...I know, it was last century.  But, I still remember.  I was full of anxiety and insecurities...nothing new there.  However, I do not remember thinking I knew it all.  Maybe my parents would disagree.  The problem is that it is too late to ask them on this side of heaven.  But, I honestly don't remember thinking I knew better than them.  Maybe I did, but I had too much respect for them to even imply a hint of superiority in my voice.  I pretty much subscribed to the idea that "the fear of my Dad was the beginning of wisdom and the assurance of survival," LOL.

Our sons, however, are not afraid of speaking their minds.  We're pretty strict and I'm very scary...but...for some reason, they are not afraid of speaking back to us.  Especially Dylan...boy...that kid...sigh...

The thing is, reading chapters 40 and 41 of the Book of Job, when God is finally speaking, reminds me a bit of the kind of lectures I have been known to give to Dylan once or twice. I call them, the "who do you think you are, kid?" lectures.  Do you know what I'm talking about?  Are you familiar with those little chats between parent and child that start with "the look" that screams:  "you did not just say that!" and end with someone walking to his room without his precious phone?  Have you experienced those talks?

Well, I think that's the kind of speech that God gives Job when He finally speaks.  I don't know what a "Behemoth" or a "Leviathan" are, but I bet that might have something to do with the point God is trying to make.  He's like, "listen to me Job, I made these creatures, OK?  They're insanely big and strong and wild and scary.  Do you think you can capture them? Can you pull in Leviathan with a fishhook or tie down its tongue with a rope? Job, you couldn't begin to put together a plan to find them...forget about dominating, you don't even know what they are!  You have no clue.  You think you can say whatever you want.  Do you have an arm like mine and a voice that thunders like this?  Who do you think you are, kid?"

My favorite part is when God, like the parent addressing the brother that is butting in, turns to Eliphaz de "termite" and says something like, "by the way, you and your two all better keep your mouth shut.  I'm angry with you too because you've been blaspheming be quiet now, you'll get yours real soon." (my paraphrasing of the Epilogue in chapter 42)

What often happens is that, it is not only teen boys who think they know better.  We've all been there.  I might not remember verbally questioning my parents or talking back at them.  But I do know many times I have tried to tell God how to run things in my life.  I have more than suggested to Him how to do things and how to plan the events of my days and of the days of those I love...because...honestly...I had thought I knew better.  But we all know that I really do not know better...not even a little bit.  I just have a lot of pride...and what I need is to "repent in dust and ashes."

I know I will probably continue to give my sons my lectures for as long as I'm around...but I will always do that inspired by the great love I have for them, to try to guide them through the path of what is right and righteous.  And I can only pray that the Lord will continue to give me His lectures, and continue to reveal Himself to me so I too can be led to the path that will take me straight into His arms.  In the Precious Name of Jesus, My Redeemer Who Lives!  Amen!

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