
Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Pursuing Dreams

The LORD has made everything for his own purposes, even the wicked for a day of disaster.
Proverbs 16: 4

An ocean front condo at a location that is warm 365 days out of the year...sigh...with a balcony big enough to fit a couple of chaise lounges, a small table and chairs and maybe a writing desk, right smack in front of the big blue.  The huge sliding door would open wide, letting all that ocean breeze come need for A/C. The kitchen would be open to the view and so will the two bedrooms.  This is what I would tell you if you'd ask me what my pipe dream is...sigh...

By definition, a pipe dream is an unattainable hope or plan.  The origin of the expression is just as bad.  The saying refers back to the 19th century when workers would smoke opium out of a pipe and experience fanciful/psychedelic dreams...yeah...I told you it was bad.  And maybe my dream is bad too.  It's bad because it is selfish.  It is "me" centered.  It's not philanthropic.  It's not altruistic.  It's not filled with good deeds.  It's just a fantasy that tries to recreate my idea of paradise on earth for me.  I should just quit trying to pursuit a way to make it come true, even if at a very reduced level.  It's not worth it.  I don't know why I have such a wasteful dream...

Instead, I should be dreaming of using my savings to help others and further God's Kingdom in mighty ways.  I can always just go on a week-long vacation and rent a dreamy condo.  I don't have to buy it.  How silly of me thinking buying a beach-front condo is a good idea.

But, for some reason, the dream sticks.  Even if it's not all I want, I keep going back to the idea of buying a little place where I can escape.  I would rent it out during the time I can't use it, but then, I would fly there over the summer and unplug.  It would be available for family and friends.  Depending on the location, I could be half way to Panama!  Maybe my sister could use it too!  As impractical as it is, I just can't wake up...the dream sticks...and I wonder why that is.

Since I can't figure out why I can't give up on my dream, I figured I'd just put it in God's hands.  Proverbs 16: 9 says, The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.  So, I won't try to crush or erase my silly, superficial, materialistic, selfish dream...I'm just going to present it to the Lord and see how He directs my steps.  Maybe it will remain a dream...something to escape reality, maybe it will actually become a reality that is used for His purpose and His glory.  Who am I to try to pretend I know how to decipher the ways of the Lord, right?

I'm not saying mine is, but, pipe dream or not, sometimes there are deeply burning longings in our heart that are placed there for a reason.  I don't pretend to know God's mind...but...I believe He can use anything for His glory and for the good of His children...even silly dreams.

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