
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

On Wings like Eagles

 “They will soar on wings like eagles…” Isaiah 40: 31b

This portion of verse 31 in Isaiah chapter 40 has never come to live in a more vivid way that this summer when we spent a week at a waterfront property on the shores of Lake Erie.  Staying at that place was a gift from the Almighty to help us relax and unwind after an incredibly trying year.  Many blessings were discovered during that week.  But one that would be most enduring and endearing, I believe, is the eagles. 

Little did we know, when we first arrived, that the house we were staying at was in the flight path of a couple of eagles that lived in the wild, calling a tree 500 feet away from us, home.  I spotted it first.  It was our first morning waking up in the house.  As it became my morning routine, I went to my favorite spot, the area I nick-named “the sunset room” to stare at the lake.  At that moment, I saw a big bird flying back to shore from way deep in the horizon.  I followed the bird with my eyes until it disappeared among the trees nearby.  I mentioned it to Dan saying something like, “it was a huge bird…do you think it might have been an eagle?”

I’ve never seen an eagle in the wild, let alone a bald eagle.  Dan dismissed me and the day got away from us, setting the thought of the big bird aside in my brain.  The next day came, and in the early afternoon, we planted a couple of chairs under the shadow of a big tree on the little private beach that was part of the property we were staying at.  Dylan was trying to brave the cold, lake Earie waters by splashing around, when, all of a sudden…this magnificent bird just flew by, low, parallel to the lake, quietly gliding…turning his head toward us as if to make sure we recognized it.  We were speechless.  It was a bald eagle in all its splendor. 

The next day, the waters were fiercely choppy.  There was a warning not to get in the lake under danger of being smashed against the rocks.  The winds were howling.  Nobody was around…as usual, I was in the sunset room, just staring at the immensity of the sea, marveling at its raw power…and yep, you guessed it: the eagle flew by back and forth.  I called Dan and Dylan as if I had found gold.  We went outside and there he came by again.  This time, we follow him until he found what we realized was his perching branch, then, the most amazing thing, we spotted another bald eagle in the distance.  There were two!!  They performed a magnificent eagle show, flying by, back and forth…at one time we saw them both perching on the same branch.  We walked there, we saw the one up close…and watched their flying in amazement.  That day, we finally witnessed what it means to soar.

These majestic birds didn't just fly, they soared…the intensity of the winds and the roughness of the sea rather than slow them down or intimidate them, seemed to energize them.  They soared above it all powered by the strength of their wings…on wings like eagles…

The ability to soar above it all was given to eagles by God.  And He promised that we will be able to do that as well.  The same power that makes eagles soar in the high winds and above the disturbing waves…the same power that rose Jesus from the dead lives in us and gives life to our mortal beings.  (Romans 8: 11)

but those who hope in the Lord

    will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles;

    they will run and not grow weary,

    they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40: 31


We continued to see the bald eagles circumventing the lake in their majestic soaring during most of the week.  The waters and the winds eventually calmed down, but my soul was forever touched…

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