
Sunday, July 11, 2021

Find Your Bling


Recently, we spent a wonderful week at the lake.  We had Lake Erie as our backyard and its stone-filled shores as our playground.  It was a delightful week, one that I will never forget.  In the mornings, I would make the 80+ step trek down this very scary stairway to the beach to just contemplate the beauty that surrounded us.  I would also walk a bit, looking for beach glass and pretty stones.  This place was rich on both.  It was full of bling!

I could not stop marveling. I was in awe, so drawn to them.  It was like treasures at my feet! The stones in the water shimmered like jewels.  There were ambers, jade, onyx, sapphires even diamonds!  When kissed by the water they did shine like precious stones.  I’d pick up a handful of the prettiest ones, and set them on the retaining wall to dry…but once out of their element and dried, something strange would happen: they lost their luster…  they stopped shining and looked like nothing but dull rocks… nothing special… it was weird…

This made me think of humanity: without Jesus we are just dull stones…nothing special.  The only thing that makes us shine with utmost brilliancy is water, the Living Water: Jesus!

but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” John 4: 14

Without the Living Water of Christ, we would never find our spark…no bling…just gray dullness, no life.  

Like the beach glass and stones, we are meant to be by the water…the Living Water.  The Living Water is what brings up the brilliancy and worth from within us.  That's where we find our bling!  Without the Living Water, we are nothing.  We are to be in Him, drink from Him and eventually become His fountains from which His Living Water flows so others can also drink!  And we can’t do any of that apart from Him.  

May the Holy Spirit speak to us and draw us to the Living Water so we may thirst no more.

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers. Psalm 1: 3

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