
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Impossible Place

 "This is the end of the rope." "There's no where to's the end of the road." "Hit a wall." "There's no hope at all."  "It's impossible."  Have you been there? Have you ever visited? Has life ever taken you there?  Are you acquainted with that place?  You know...the impossible place?  I think at different levels and times, we've all been there once or twice, haven't we?  And it sure has felt as if that was it, didn't it? But, I guess it wasn't, huh? I guess we found out there was more rope...another road...a hole on the wall...a way out.  But, why?  Why, then, must we face the impossible?

I think it is because the impossible place is the place where we can witness God's glory while still on this side of Heaven.

When life is going well.  When everything is going the way we planned it.  When we are handling all problems on our own wisdom and skills.  When we are able to manage the challenges and overcome the obstacles by our own power and imagination...we don't consider our need for God.  We buy the lie that we can do all things on our own strength.  We forget our total dependence on Our Heavenly Father.  We stop thinking of ourselves as redeemed and forgiven...and we start viewing our lives as impeccable and our path as self-designed.   

The impossible place exists so we remember that our very breath is His.  

The Almighty wants us to experience in our own flesh the magnificent force of His presence and the overwhelming power of His Hand.  He wants us to see Him transfigured.  He wants us to see Him in action.  He wants His presence to be so evident and His love so undeniable that we have nothing else to do than worship and surrender to His merciful arms.  And He knows the only way for us to achieve this moment of divine lucidity is by paying a visit to the impossible place.

I've always been afraid of it.  I've rejected the impossible place because I'm scared of not having the type of life where my dreams come true, and where nothing bad happens to me or my loved ones ever.  But The Holy Spirit has been showing me, little by little how if nothing ever happens, I never get to experience the fullness of His presence or the abundant life of His joy.  If nothing ever happens to me that is out of the realm of the possible for my hands or my intellect to fix...I would never know what true worship and surrender mean...because I would be worshiping myself and a god of my own making.

It is only at the impossible place that my eyes are open to the truth that, 

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion,
which cannot be shaken but endures forever.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
so the Lord surrounds his people
both now and forevermore. Psalm 125: 1-2

And I do not want to miss perceiving My Strong Tower, The Rock of My Salvation.  I don't want to miss seeing Him surrounding me both now and forevermore.  I don't want to miss His Glory.  I don't want to miss witnessing My Savior in action!

One day, it will be the end of the rope.  There will be no more road left to take on this world.  One day it will be it. But on that day, when we pay one last visit to the impossible place...that would be the day we go through that one last door into the place of infinite and eternal possibility...and His Glory will be fully revealed and there would be no more tears and no more fear.  Praised be His Glorious Name!  In Jesus we trust.  Amen!

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