
Sunday, September 5, 2021

Temple Builders

 In today's message at Church, Pastor Dan presented us with a great challenge: to become Temple Builders no matter the risk. As He wraps up this sermon series, I feel as if the Lord has been working on His own sermon series in me as well.  I feel the Holy Spirit challenging me to join the work of Christianity in what has become the arid soil of this great become a Temple Builder in whatever capacity I can perform that job.  But I also feel intense wrestling inside of me to try to reconcile the many opposing arguments that form in my mind when I contemplate the work ahead.

My biggest problem with this challenge is that I'm afraid...I'm afraid I've wrapped myself in heavy chains that keep me from moving forward...that enslave me...that restrain me.  They are mostly chains I've put on myself.  I can almost name the heavier ones: safety, security, financial stability, family, work.  The way these chains work is by limiting my ability to do my part in the Great Commission that Jesus, Himself gave us:

When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28: 17-20

My chains keep me scared.  My chains choke me if I try to move.  My chains keep me in the faith closet. My chains keep me quiet.  My chains keep me from Praising the Lord in certain circles.  My chains keep me from standing firm on my faith at work. My chains make me a hypocrite.  My chains make me weak.  My chains keep me hidden.  My chains keep me from trusting Jesus' promise that He is with me always, to the very end of the age.

The good news is, Hope is here, even for someone like me.  The good news is, like the song says: "There is power in the Name of Jesus to break every chain."  Jesus breaks every single chain...even mine.

I need to stop being like those who doubted, and be more like the disciples who were ready to do what they had been commissioned to spite of the risks involved.  And I believe, the first step for someone like me is to direct my sight away from myself and onto Jesus.  This is the secret of that state of Jesus-Consciousness which Oswald Chambers wrote about in his devotional My Utmost for His Highest that I so inarticulately tried to comment on a few days ago.  It is that change of perspective what can cause a transcendental change in my faith walk: from me to Him.  Being Jesus-Conscious is to know that what He promised is true: surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.  

He is with me the very end of my own age...and that should be enough to give me courage...and that is enough to break my chains.  I will continue to fail...but I cannot allow my failure to add to the restraints.  On the contrary, with each failure, the power of Jesus grows stronger because my failures prove that it is not by my own strength or ability that the Kingdom of God is revealed, but by His Mighty Hand working through me...

Every one of my failures elevates Jesus because it demonstrates that it is not my doing but His.  Therefore, every failure of mine breaks a link in my chains...every failure of mine is a new fracture which allows His power and presence to pour out through every crack on my jar of clay...until there is nothing and I'm fully spilled.

  Brake my chains, Lord so I can be free to go be a temple builder! Make me conscious of You and Your constant presence in me so I can make the transition from self-conscious to Jesus-conscious. May each crack on my jar bring more of You into the world I'm in until there is nothing left of me, and it is only You who everyone can see.  In the Precious Name of Jesus who breaks every chain...even mine. Amen!

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