
Friday, September 24, 2021

Welcome Fall

 Well...summer is over, I guess...sigh...

Was it shorter than usual? Did the days run faster than the norm? Did the hours lose some minutes?  I don't know.  All I know is that it's only the first few official days of fall and my bones are already cold.  I'm still hanging on to my flipflops for as long as I can.  But, I have to admit, last night at the soccer game, I had to run to the car right after the last whistle blew because my toes were turning blue.

It's not that I hate fall.  It's just that fall is the threshold to winter...and then, we can talk about hate.

This year, however, I am thinking to have a better attitude about the whole season changing deal.  I'm still brutally melancholic about leaving summer behind.  But...I'm praying for the Holy Spirit to give me the eyes to see and a heart to appreciate the beauty in every day, be it in the winter, spring, summer or fall.

I want to be in the moment and enjoy all that this new season has to offer.  I want to dive into all things pumpkin this year.  I had my first pumpkin-spice English muffins yesterday and they were a delight! I'm looking out my window and admiring the gorgeous blue sky and puffy clouds, and how they frame the first evidence of the turning leaves.  I'm breathing in the cool breeze and remembering how when autumn comes you can feel it in the air right away.  And most of all, I'm praising the Lord for giving me this time to be with my loved ones near and far.  There is so much loss and pain around...I must cherish what I have still in my arms.

I'm not going to make a, "how sad it's fall" post.  Instead, I'm celebrating the season and welcoming it.  The stress of work. The memories of what I've lost. The melancholic feeling of summer days gone.  May all that makes me sad about fall be replaced with the joy of the gift of life.  May songs of praises fill my soul with rejoicing, ushering the colors and aromas of autumn this year...and may Our Heavenly Father grant us His presence as we witness the wonders of fall.  In Christ Name.  Amen!

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