
Friday, November 12, 2021

Thanksgiving Journal: Enjoying the Blessings

 Do you sometimes feel bad about enjoying your blessings? I's devotional reminded me that what I feel is false, enemy-induced guilt. Our God is a God who rejoices in sharing His abundant life with us.  He wants us to glorify Him as we accept the blessings.  Otherwise, the opportunity to bring Him all Praise is wasted.  

It is not a matter of feeling that we don't deserve His gifts.  Like my devotional points out, God's Kingdom is not about earning and deserving.  It is about believing and receiving. (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)

I will never be good enough to earn or deserve God's blessings, His love or His presence.  I will never do anything to earn and deserve His Salvation.  What I deserve and what I would earn is total separation from Him.  It is because God's generous nature that I am His child...and for that, I must give Him all glory divine!  Otherwise, my witnessing would be lost in false humility.  The enemy doesn't want me to praise Him...that's why he tries to make me feel like I don't deserve the blessings.

The good news is that Our Great Lord speaks to us in many ways...and if we have ears to hear, we'd know that it is right to believe and receive.

Today, I want to bring Him honor and fill my heart with thanksgiving as I enjoy His many blessings. Let's make sure we listen and intentionally recognize His gifts, and abundantly express our awe in we never forget that...

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Romans 8: 32

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