
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Thanksgiving Journal: Thank You for Making Us to Be in Fellowship with You

 Are you the kind of person who needs to figure everything out?

I used to be like that.  I needed to know...I needed to have all my ducks in a row...I needed to have everything figured out.  Not anymore.  Don't get me wrong.  I still want to know how everything is going to work out.  But I'm not paralyzed by not knowing.  Old age has been teaching me to be more adaptable and flexible.  I am learning to make peace with uncertainty.  I'm learning to trust My Lord and rest in the peace that fellowship with Him brings to my soul.

And, what is fellowship?

Well, I read in a blog from Grace Theological Seminary that "the word fellowship is derived from the Greek word koinonia. Koinonia can be defined as “holding something in common” and is specifically used 20 times in the New Testament (e.g. Phil. 2:1-2, Acts 2:42, 1 John 1:6-7). Koinonia describes the unity of the Spirit that comes from Christians’ shared beliefs, convictions, and behaviors. When those shared values are in place, genuine koinonia (biblical fellowship) occurs. This fellowship produces our mutual cooperation in God’s worship, God’s work, and God’s will being done in the world."

According to this paragraph, by being in fellowship with God we are actually in mutual cooperation in everything that He does in the world!  I mean...isn't this totally amazing?  How could this be?  That He'd thought of us, imperfect humans, to be in Koinonia with Him!  Not even my family wants to be in mutual cooperation with me...why would God?

I don't know...and you know what?  I don't need to figure it out!  I just have to believe it, accept it and be grateful for it.

He created me and all of His children to be in fellowship with Him...with the Trinity! And all I have to do is to lean onto that fellowship for my peace and my every step while journeying in this valley of tears.  May we be thankful for the privilege of such Divine Fellowship, and never lose sight of it.  

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13: 14


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