
Monday, November 22, 2021

Thanksgiving Journal: Thank You for Christian Music

 Today, I'm thankful for Christian music.  I am so grateful that God has decided to give some people the gift of music for His glory...I don't even know where to start.

  I've always loved music.  As a typical teen, I couldn't get enough of it.  Of course, back then (I'm talking in the 80s) we didn't have MP3s or Apple Music or Spotify or anything remotely like that.  We had...wait for it...wait for it...RADIO!  The lucky ones had Record Players and Cassette Players.  For the common folk like me, radio was the means to get to music.  Later on, there was something amazing called Cable TV which brought us all-music-all-the-time-TV channel.  It was UNBELIEVABLE!!!  Of course, my parents never ever got Cable.  So, my access to it was super limited.  It was only during summer vacation when I got to spend two glorious weeks at my brother's house in the big city that I had a chance to indulge into the craziness of MTV.  But again, that was 2 weeks a year that I got to do that.  The rest of the time, it was just me and my transistor radio.  I did get an off-brand Walkman when I was in my late teens.  That was insane!  But of course, I only got to listen to the home-made, mixed-tapes I created by recording songs off of ... you guessed it ... the radio!

At any rate, my fascination with music continued.  During my college years the most amazing thing was invented: The CD! Boy, I gathered such a CD collection I'm still trying to figure out how to get rid of it.  And then, of course, my phone I can get any song that was ever made just by calling it on Spotify or Apple Music. Mercy!

But it wasn't until I was in my late thirties that I discovered the biggest breakthrough in my music-loving career: Christian Music.

I still remember the moment.  Dan and I volunteered to chaperone the Church Youth for one night at an Alive Concert.  Grant was about 2 years old and he came with us. That event is responsible for opening my ears and my heart to the fact that there was such a thing as Christian music in every genre imaginable.  From rap and hip hop to rock, easy listening and's all different languages too! I just couldn't believe it!  I learned about Third Day, Mercy Me, Casting Crowns, Toby was truly eye-opening...and I have been a fan every since.

Today, as I recall my awakening to Christian Music I want to take a moment to just Praise the Lord for it...for choosing talented people to sing for Him, to Him and for His children: us.  The blessing and impact of Christian music in my life have ramifications that are impossible to recount in one short post.  But I just want to say: THANK YOU, Lord for introducing me to it.  You speak to me through its lyrics and melodies.  You comfort me.  You challenge me.  You let me know I am not alone.  You put the love for music in my heart and You use it to communicate with me...and for that...I will always be grateful.  

Thank You, Lord.  In the Precious Name of Jesus...the One Who Sings to us.  Amen!   

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