
Sunday, January 23, 2022

Women's Retreat

Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home. Luke 1: 56

One of my most cherished activities our church organizes is the women's retreat.  I've tried to attend as many as I could over the years, and each time I've been able to go, it has been a most comforting, re-energizing, spiritually-filling experience.  As everything else in the entire world, our beloved women's retreat has been impacted by the unending Covid-19 pandemic.  But, there is hope for this year to bring it back, and I can't wait!  I sure hope it is on a weekend I'm available given the requirements of my current job...

At any rate...the women's retreat is a time when women gather together, at a location away from home, to enjoy fellowship and to help each other refocus our sight on Jesus, encouraging one another, bringing to life Proverbs 27: 17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

There's nothing like time spent with sisters in Christ to renew one's joy and strengthen one's soul for the journey ahead.

If I'm allowed some speculation here, I believe with all I've got, that Our Lord, knowing the depths of the female psyche and heart, which He designed Himself with all its intricacies and complexities, gave Mary this time with Elizabeth as a sort of women's retreat to strengthen her for what was to come.  It was out of His mercy and love, that God's provided Mary with the support and comfort she most needed at that exact time.  He knew she could not find it at home.  He knew she needed a kindred spirit...a spiritual sister who was going through a very similar situation, to guide her and help her remember who God is and that she could truly trust Him.

Like mentioned before, Mary's song, The Magnificat, my Mom's most beloved prayer, ends sort of abruptly, with the mention of Mary's retreat at Elizabeth's.  However, when we see the whole picture, we can appreciate this is a very significant conclusion.  In the song, we witness Mary's act of surrender in her intentional effort to remember, to bring to the forefront God's mighty deeds not just in her life but throughout history.  That's exactly what she needed to do at this most complicated crossroads of her life: to take some uninterrupted time to remember.  

God's gift to Mary is to allow her exactly that, the much needed time to regroup and to meditate on everything she knew about continue on with her recounting of God's mercies, promises and she could be equipped for the journey ahead.  And what best way to do that, that in the fellowship of a small "women's retreat."

I am moved to tears as I think of this, because it brings to my mind a bit of the mind of God and how tenderly and lovingly He tends to the heart of women.  He knows what we need and often, He gives it to us even without our asking.  

I pray that the Holy Spirit leads us to where we need to be, so we can experience the comfort, support, love, care and strength that fellowship with the body of Christ can bring, especially, among our spiritual sisters.  May the Lord allow the women's retreat to come back.  I sure am ready for it.  In the precious Name of Jesus.  Amen!

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