
Friday, February 4, 2022

Better than Christmas Snow

Today's devotion in Our Daily Bread is called "The Wonder of Creation." I really enjoyed it...I love devotional readings that touch on the topic of God's creation. But my favorite part was the reflection question at the end. It asked: "When has something in God’s creation brought you joy?: My eyes immediately went to the big window in front of me and the sight of the thick snowfall outside made me giddy.  "I guess I don't have to search in memory lane to answer this one, huh?" I thought.  Today, I am blissfully enjoying God's creation in the form of white precipitation.  

And, it's not that I love snow.  I really don't.  I only like snow at Christmas time. tell you the truth, this snow storm now, is way better than Christmas snow to me.  The reason is, thanks to this snow, I have had 2 unexpected days off to spend here at home with my peeps. I sooooo needed that.  

I love it how God has used His creative power to give me what I needed the most: a moment to slow down. 

Snow is still inconvenient.  I still can't drive on it, especially when there is a layer of ice underneath.  Grey skies still depress me.  I still hate having to clean after the dog every time he goes outside.  I still dislike cold weather with a passion.  But today, I am most grateful for this aspect of God's creation...because it has brought me great joy.  The Lord knows what we need, indeed...and, in His mysterious and unique ways, He always provides.

I also loved the closing prayer in today's Daily Bread reading, so I will reproduce it here as a reminder to always be thankful: Thank You, God, for the wonder of Your creation and the privilege to learn about You through it. May we remember Your Hand is behind every thing we see in nature, and that Your Nature is Glorious! In Christ's Precious Name. Amen!

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